Saturday, April 24, 2010

Beautiful days

Ari ni tenang sebab keja sempat nak siapkan... and things going well. A little bit of mild panic running through me sebab projek semakin dekat, minggu depan da showtime. Aduh...

But well... today I saw a rainbow!

Ni masa aku driving out of Klang. Dulu masa kecik ni sibuk wat wish kalao tengok rainbow. Don't know if it works, but I got what I wished for. I wished for a lot of things, but I know one was to find the right career. Zaman dulu skema.... orang nak jadik doktor, lawyer, engineer....

You were always limited to think the job market was down to six or seven career choices jer.

And I'm happy my wish came through. I'm holding down a few positions doing what I love best.

It's always been my belief that if you want to do something, you have to be passionate about it. Money is secondary. Sadly however, in today's entertainment industry, it has become commonplace tuk orang bangga yang dia masuk bidang seni nih dapat wat duit tanpa contribute at all to the performing arts. Oh well... each to their own.

Things have been especially happy for the past few days keeping busy because my personal life is going well.

Sorted out some 'demons' of the past last night (matilah kat Bubba Gump and after), and right now, I now have the emotional support I need to keep doing things, walaopon kekadang semangat lebih tapi keletihan ya amat makes me want to give it all up.

Eh jap.. iklan sat. Aku nampak keta ni masa on the road tadik.

Mula-mula.. this caught my eye.... tak puas ati so aku drive dekat sikit. Seb baik traffic moderately heavy. So I managed to snap this when we came to a stop.

Inching in closer, dapat lak snappy nih.

Tuh dia.. apakahhhh?????

Aiyo! Flowerbed terus katanya! Siap ada bunga matahari kat ujung tuh. Aiyo... ni kaki bunga plastik ke... baru balik kenduri rumah orang angkut semua table arrangement letak kat keta.

Aku da lama tak letak random pics that made me smile... so here are a few.

Ni bila lak nih??? Welcome Tony Bliar? We hate you? Me thinks time for them to remove this dah. Wat malu je pelancong mai sini gelak...

How about this pic. Sebut betul-betul nama kedai kat bawah nih... and no, space tuh memang ada, takde abjab lain. Heh!

Tapi ni nama kedai yang memang aku suka sangat. Oska! Maksudnya?

Tuh dia... Orang Sabar Kasihkan Allah! Aku rasa memang their direction is right sebab meka ada dua lot siot. Untung... untung...

Had a fun night sebab tak gi dewan sakitkan hati sendiri. Heh... dok umah member wat pizza party ramai-ramai. Meka nak layan konsert gak, so aku layan sekali. Heh... tapi yang bestnya dok umah ramai-ramai seronok dengar semua carutan. Sekali sekala biar orang lain je...

Aku bersuara orang bagi banyak alasan. Biarlah peminat lain yang menentukan.. kan kan kan?

Anyway... onward! Work!


siap tnjk plate no keta tu siannn org tu

patut bangga ok! kreatif... heh! walaopon...tapi aku salute dia berani. cuma pelik camna dia tengok out of the back windscreen.

lama tak nampak pelangi hehe... anyway keta yg byk bunga2 tu kompem keta makcik2 hehehe.. :)

kannnn!!!! keta tuh masaalahnya bukan makcik2 yang bawak. ehehehe. rempit! lagik menakutkan.