Thursday, April 29, 2010


Hah.. sebab aku ni cam pemalas beberapa hari ni (walaopon sebab sibuk), ni nak update entry panjang sikit sebab rehearsals semalam went well and lega sikit, plus dapat balik awal sikit (awal pon kira tengah malam la).

Semalam, sempat interview sorang kawan (tanak sebut nama dulu). Da jadi pengusaha tokei besar!

She's a diva, and definitely iconic dalam muzik Malaysia. Berapa ramai je kan yang kita leh iktiraf camtuh. But she's on that level no matter what you say - and I think selain dia, hanya Siti Nurhaliza, Ziana Zain, Sheila Majid among the few with upcoming legends like Jac. Kira the voices that defined Malay pop gituh.

Anyway - for those who love live shows kan... you know like Malam Nada Biru, No Black Tie... or even those gig like Sunday Nite Live dulu zaman Planet Hollywood, prepare for the ultimate venue in live entertainment.

I love this club! Baru bukak.. lom officially launch. Tu bulan depan je. But I got a sneak peek. Kengkawan artis pon da mula perform sana test power. Tempat memang kelas! Sound and acoustics - the BEST in Kuala Lumpur. Any performer worth his or her salt will agree with me on that.

Mai usha pics. Ni exclusive hah! Layan!

Benda paling aku makan hati! Speaker pakai JBL Everest! Sapa tatau pasal speaker cukup aku katakan sebijik ni da enam angka!
Not sure what this is - a Yamaha? But I love it! Merah itam cam rambut aku - aku so sleek and sexy!
AKG tuh... no karaoke microphones please!
Drum kit - the whole stage set up kemas and ruang spacious
And this is the club (makan hati LED screen dia).
Tanak sebut sapa co-owner club nih - but she is a dear friend and a real singer and performer yang akan keluar album baru tak lama agik. Lagu pon semua aku da dengar. Best! Bangga!

Aku unveil sapa owner nya nanti. Tapi kalao nak check out the club for classy and quality live music - Celebrities Club is in Solaris. Tatau mana Solaris, then tunggu je la. Heh!

Pas abih interview lepak gi minum borak lak... sambung sana. Went to Shokolart. So wrong to be on a diet when you're surrounded by killer chocolate treats.

Tanak-tanak... ni kena hidang. Aiyak! Bits for tea katanya. The chocolate is just sinful, ok! Matilah pinggang aku semakin kembang!

Pas abih... tengok-tengok da ujan ribut. Risau. Aku ada dua sesi rehearsal. Sesi satu, vocalists and percussionists.

Second percussionists with band.

Merasalah sangkut jam yang macam lahanat sesungguhnya!

Soalan cepumas aku - mana polis trafik time nih? Takkan tengah sibuk tahan dak 15 tahun bak keta tanpa lesen. Oops!

Whatever it is - everything's good. The rehearsals went well. We're back on track. Nanti malam esok abih rehearsal aku bagik korang sneak preview apa kita nak wat hari Sabtu nih di tengah-tengah KL. It'll be a musical flashmob like you've NEVER seen before.

Tak caya tunggu tengok je.

Meanwhile.. me nak rehat dulu ek. Doakan segalanya sukses yuk!


wah jem nya jalan. Ramai yang tak sempat tengok Diary Af nih.