Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Thank you

Wow. Semalam was kind of weird for me. Erm... I don't know. Maybe because it's my birthday and nothing ever goes well on my birthday. This time pn tak lari konsep.

There were a few downs kali ni. Like some people I consider family not even making to make an effort over my birthday (I know... it's childish... but I thought they'd care more, not that it's that big an issue.

Then, there was someone in my mind yang disappear da berapa hari ni, which I was disappointed sebab tak dapat spend my birthday with. Again... so much for the big planning kan. Never quite works out as hoped.

If that's not enough... erm... oh never mind...

After all, tahun ni, apart from the real pain of having those close to me not really giving a toss (ok..fine, I'll stop being childish, but I thought they'd bother just a little more), other things more than made up for it, I suppose.

First, there was that someone who kept me smiling throughout the last couple of days, which made me feel real good, no matter what.

Then, trust one of my best friends, Ted, to faithfully remember my birthday walaoapapon... but erm... in true him fashion, dia gi bagik aku nih...

Somehow Ted forgot that I have already given up drinking. I admit, used to binge, tapi aku da lama tak sentuh bebenda camni. Skang paling jahat pon rokok jerk. Tu pun selagi mampu.

He may have remembered I liked vodka, tapi obviously dia lupa aku dulu kaki Smirnoff and not Absolut, which I think just sucks big time (sorry Ted... love your gift anyway!)

Yang kelakarnya kawan aku ni... ada ler eccentricity dia tuh. Kepelikan dia.. erm... korang kawan ngan dia baru tau.

He's got some weird habits... and one of them, I recalled masa bukak package dia bagik malam tadi.

Dahler bungkus plastik duty free King Power (nampak sangat dari Bangkok), it came complete with resit lagik ok! Aduh...keji... aku gelak pecah perot. Dan tuh memang trademark dia kalao bagik hadiah.

Burok tol perangai... kalao balut hadiah skalipun, mesti ada resit atau price tag tunjuk how much he spent. Heh... memula ingat nak offended masa dulu dia bagik hadiah. Lama lama, biasa lak habit dia nih.

Erm... kalau Zack lagik pelik. Bagik hadiah, nampak sangat last minute gift, pastuh balut lak kelam kabut. Sekali tuh dia penah bagik hadiah, berbalut suratkhabar jer (ala...aku beli wrapping paper pon ko koyakkan kang...) which had cellophanetape clumsily holding it all together.

That's Zack for you. Tapi still, always appreciate them through a decade I've known them, they've been there for me through the thick and thin. Sibuk sibuk pun... meka ingat aku. Cam si

Ted... dia yang call aku nak jumpa semata mata nak passkan hadiah walaopon kesibukan dia punya pasal tak jumpa dia for three weeks or so dah.

So thank you anyway Ted, for your present. People say it's the thought that counts... and at least through the years, you made an effort to be my friend. No matter how weird you are.
Now, anyone want a bottle of vodka? (matilah aku kena carut... ok ok... aku simpan wat perhiasan)

Also thanks Juan kerana ajak minum sama, with the rest of the gang, joined by Vern much later.

Ingat gak nak ajak aku...

And of course, banyak sangat orang nak thank.

Ari aku started late. Aku tak gi event Mawi. Well I did, tapi after it was over, sebab cuma nak interview dak botak. And yesterday evening, aku terharu, sebab kawan lelama ngan botak, dia dan family Maestro dan Mawi World (Man, Baha, Wan, Liza, Nasser etc - love all of you), tengah aku interview, tetiba bak cake surprisekan aku.

Erm.... terbodoh jap aku termalu.

Aku tak sangka... and yet meka surprise kan aku. Se-down nya aku yang kawan kawan aku yang anggap cam kuarga sibuk ngan urusan memasing, ada lagik extended family aku yang ingat aku. Abang Wan - keji tau nak rub it in Mawi celebrate sekali!!! Heh!!!

To dak botak and gang - love you guys, korang memang WORLD lah! Erm...tapi kek tuh aku nak wat apa (semua feeling tanak makan - aku lak diet - merasalah!) Kena bak balik seketul da..
Pastuh, gerak sekali ngan Liza ke PC Ikon tuk umumkan wildcard entry kat Planet Hollywood. Jac, Dayang and finalists lain in OAG and Flop Poppy ada.

Yang dapat Def Gab C dan Mawi, tapi sebab Mawi ada recording ngan Ajai, dia tak hadirkan diri sebab pas kami habih lepak tadik dia rush ke studio (cewah... kira bangga birthday aku leh sempat celebrate skali)

Erm... aku tengah send news pakai opis Planet Hollywood (thanks Sherina and Elina - the most beautiful women in Planet and my sistas!) si Aniz dari Astro dan kak Shahila da kecoh kecoh ajak aku kuar.

Seb baik instinct aku supaya tamau kuar... apparently program dimana bebudak Filipina punya Ikon tengah perform, ada kes naya nunggu aku...(thanks Sarimah kerana pecah lobang pastuh).

But after event abih, Sarimah announce lak ada yang celebrate birthday. Aku nak lari tak sempat da. So another round of public embarrasment. Well, not really.. it was touching to have Sarimah, Jac, Dayang and Radhi who I consider people I closely work with, together ngan the likes of kak Aina and kak Shahila (tetap maintain penyandang title ratu ratu production Akademi Fantasia walaopon last season tak terlibat) as well as Aniz and more there. Even Shawal pun ada sekali sebab jenguk event Ikon.

Anyway, Sarimah naya aku ek!!! Kak Mah Gali keji!!!! Heh!!! Tunggu ko aku letak pic baju ko tadik.

Dayang pose vogue masa event berjalan. Maintain ayu ler tuh!

Partners in crime - kak Shahila comel and kak Aina yang ayu(matilah aku pasnih!!!)

Kak Mah Gali part time keja Planet Hollywood ke? Pakai uniform cam sama je (matilah aku!!!)

Another cake???!! Jap.. ikut lilin, besar satu kecik tiga... aku baru...13!!!

Perlu ke???? But thanks Jac, Dayang, Radhi, Sarimah and all the guys from Philippines (Chris Cayzer, Sitti Navarro and Kjwan) kerana celebrate skali walaopon tak kenal aku. Matilaaaaa....

Shawal dan Jac

Kalao merujuk pic kat atas sama tak baju Sarimah ngan staff Planet Hollywood? Amik ko! Kata Kak Mah baju Naff Naff ok... merasalah return pasnih. Mintak mintak simpan resit. Heh...thanks you guys. Had fun...!!!! And just before the stroke of midnight too.

Oklah... malas posting entry pepanjang. Kang later aku post agik satu entry. Alamak... sapa tunggu clip Mawi terbaru kang je aku wat ek sebab sibuk seharian kena dok surprise takde masa lak wat.

By the way... about Mawi. Don't ask me why I ask this question... but persoalannya, Mawi akan bertanding ke untuk final Ikon nanti? Oops...

Erm... korang usha la sendiri kalao nak tau cita sebenar. Mawi kalao leh tamau, dan nak Jac dan Dayang teruskan je final sebab meka da pilihan juri dan SMS combined. But keputusan lum dibuat.

I actually agree with Mawi, dan rasa dia pon tak perlu nak ada dalam final for reasons obvious kalao korang paham konsep Ikon, dan sapa yang untung (merasalah pasni kena carut ngan deadly duo!)

Apapon, Mawi... hope you make up your mind, dan mintak mintak ler peminat terima keputusan Mawi whether or not dia nak tarik diri dari Ikon.
Kalao dia perform... or dia tak pon... it's his choice.

Eh... merapu lak. Nak prepare. Hari ni aku off tapi aku program sikit. Kang aku update. Ciao!

PS - Tunggu seseorang update myspace seperti dijanjikan... erm...