Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bag ladies

Tadik jumpa Vern and abang Bad for lunch (lunch la sangat aku takde selera nak makan). Tapi yang kelakarnya, ni himpunan koleksi bag memasing yang berisi laptop dan juga bebenda miscellaneous dalam kategori don't leave home without it.

Can you guess sapa bak apa? Actually I think each person's character is reflected through their choice.

Flash, simple and erm.. mature (nak kata kertu kasar sangat lak)

Actually tired as hell sebab mata pon da takleh hold open. Even through lunch lethargic je. Not sleepy enough to stop bending forks and spoons sampai abang Bad took away all the cutlery.


Need sleep. Plus so stressed with so many things occupying my mind. After we cleard off, caught a movie on my own.

Ok...slept for 10 minutes at least mid way through the opening, but the panggung pun quite kosong so ok ler.

Then plus bertubi dapat phone call lak towards the end, so missed a couple of minutes there. Abih je, gi Bangsar Village. Lepak Starbucks, ke Toys 'R Us (I don't wanna grow up...I'm a Toys 'R Us kid...) until about 9pm. Decided to call it quits then sebab nak balik tidur.

Another full day tomorrow. Looks like this week is going to be quite punishing.

By the way, dari Palace Beach and Spa, gerak ke Restoran Seri Melayu for breakfast. Ada PC pelancaran program baru kat sana.

Rancangannya Sarapan Di Mana? hosted by Abby Fana. Directornya Wan Kamaruddin and it's going to start soon on Astro Prima on Sunday mornings.

Dapat ler preview pilot episode. Quite good.

One of the better morning shows aku penah tengok so far. Nak tau pasal apa kena tunggu dia start layan sendiri sebab malas nak review. Just take my word, it's worth a watch!

Over and out...