Sunday, July 15, 2007

One... two.. three.. whore...

Ari ni bangun lambat. Decided to sleep in and pamper myself. Then spent the rest of the day in bed like the slug I felt like. Bangun hanya nak mandi, makan and baca paper, then sambung golek depan laptop dalam katil.
Sekali sekala... so what did I do the whole day? Watch Japanese game shows on the Net lor. Korang kena layan. I tell you.. the Japanese are just WEIRD! And me likey!

Those two were the freaking pain fear factor sort. Honestly gila abih! How the hell meka do this week in and week out??!!! Tapi yang yang below ni yang creative and MUST watch! You might have seen the ping pong one, cause I had that in my phone for years now, but the other kelakar abih gak. Check it out!

And that's it for my update ari nih.. nothing much. Just being lazy as all hell.