Friday, June 08, 2007

Republik denda


Akibat abihkan keja satu malam, dan juga kurang berani nak tidur dan have myself not waking up in time, aku berjaga the whole night last night!

So in the morning aku jadik zombie.
Anyway, left KL Sentral in a booked coach beramai ramai ngan teman media yang lain. Kecoh la as always. That's what happens I guess when you have a road trip...

Spent hours on the road, while watching Stomp The Yard, a movie I bought on the way at one of the rest stops.

We stopped a grand total of something like five times! Which is the most aku penah stop sana sini. Banyak la kejadian on the way, but not telling anything more...heh...kelakar gak.

Anyway, we left about 8 lebih pagik kot dari KL Sentral and we reached the Second Link something like about almost 3pm. Amik ko!

Mana taknya kalao asik singgah sana singgah sini makan la toilet break la...
Dalam perjalanan memacam aktiviti kreatif ler digunakan tuk mengisi ruang kosong.

Contohnya si Syazwan, Farihad, Aniff, Abie, Zul, Shikin dan sebagainya yang mengumpat sepanjang perjalanan mengisi ruangan gosip memasing. Oops...

Tapi antara aktviti yang paling unik ni... si Emma yang dok mengurut pala kak Jah nak keluarkan angin... leh? Bunyi *burp* je memanjang ler ikut tempo yang tak lari kami dengar dari kak Jah.

Sampai kat Second Link counter semua choc full. Alamak...traffic jam lain lak ni. Line semua penuh ngan kanak kanak riang ria Ribena who were going back to Singapore aku rasa pas lawatan sambil belajar.

Through some creative line cutting, aku lepas ngan cepat sekali dan layan isap rokok, dan gayut kat phone sebelom line mobile tukar ke SingTel or M1 tuk jmat cost (standard pas cross, you have a given of 100 metres or so sebelom your mobile providers switch and you're on roaming).

Honestly, sentap sikit sebab ramai sangat orang, Customs takde menyibuk cam biasa nak thorough check.

In fact... cam buang masa lak lalui the whole process sebab meka cam cukup syarat je lepas kan orang sebab tak larat nak deal with kanak kanak Ribena yang sebegitu ramai.

Kalau muka officers Custom biasa kerek nak mampos, they just looked simply flustered and kelam kabut ok... kenapa masa aku long stay nak bak lebih rokok tuh tak penah camni (tak penah ok nak isap rokok Singapore yang cam kertas balut daun kering tuh yang berharga $11.20 - tukar duit kita yang about RM25 sekotak!)

By an hour later, we were already at Furama Riverfront, mana media dan artis yang terlibat ngan Anugerah Planet Muzik were residing.

Spent another good 15 minutes or so waiting for our rooms and the check in of our entourage.
It was about 4pm by then, and we saw musicians and all filing out for their transport nak ke venue. Kesian tul, awal awal meka da kena gerak ke venue.

Found out I was to have a whole room by myself dan takyah kongsi, which I absolutely love, sebab aku ada perangai suka run about nude in my own space.... keji kan? A nudist by nature katanya...

Tak larat...l rasa pas travelling the whole day, badan melekit abih.

Spotted the hotel pool just under my room window... dan pasang niat nak gi swimming esok pagi sebelom shopping spree (tapi dalam hati tergelak kecil sebab da budget takkan ada masanya tuk aku nak actually do it).

Ingat nak mandi, tapi SMS orang ni bagitau da sampai. He came prancing to my room shortly. Tak sempat aku nak mandi bersiap semua, sempat tukar shorts je so more confortable, and we were off to the make up room tuk jenguk Yanie yang masa tuh da mula get her make up and hair done.

Nothing much to do since everything was in the hands of the makeup artists and hairstylists yang da appointed by the organisers... cuma yer la jenguk kan to make sure she was alright and also to wish her luck.

After checking things out, kami pun turun tuk isap rokok in this one corner of the hotel kat exit tepi... since everywhere is a bloody no smoking zone in Singapore.

Puffing away, spotted kengkawan lain yang da pun turun nak cari makan, seperti dijanjikan. So we started ler make our way.

Initially meka nak hit some nearby malls, tapi sebab Vern sibuk nak bak kami ke kedai nasi padang ni yang dikompangnya begitu sedap... we spend a good fifteen minutes walking to ceruk mana residential area mana entah,

Managed to influence one or two of the group not to jaywalk as encouraged by this person yang main suka ati lintas je, even during red lights.

Erm... ko hengat ko kat Kolumpo??? Sodap je ek ko...lupa ek saman sini in Singaporean dollars. Managed to instill fear in them to get them to follow road rules.

Merasala... kesedaran sivik menebal kat tempat orang katanya. Yerla... jangan malukan orang Mesia ni cam barbarians, tak bertamadun.

We can always do it back home katanya... (Keji kan?)
Spotted a couple of things that made me laugh...

Like this ad for instance by McDonald's yang ditempek on this bus we saw while walking. Honestly, they understand the meaning of creative advertising la.

Always thought it was true that the Big Mac was the vegetarian's worst nightmare (or vegetation seperti ada seseorang ni sebut dulu - matila ko vegetation!!!)

Or how about this banner we saw on the way.

Yes, you... you know this one is for you (you know who you are). Let's keep the rats out of our town katanya. Well, I know a rat who made it across the Causeway alright some time back, but I am not going to go there.

Just kind of funny to see this sign...and be reminded. Eew...nevermind...personal joke.

Wolfed down the nasi padang, which was just ok (propah lak kata si Vern ni). It was already almost 5, so we headed back to the hotel tuk bersiap. We actually had to be at the lobby by 5pm, tapi semua da budget tak janji quarter past.

Okler...more tomorrow on the event itself ek.