Saturday, June 23, 2007

Rempit? Shoo!

Damn my Mozilla browser. Menci tol. Da abih entry, as usual, tak hengat nak save. Akibatnya, after the sudden appearance of the pop up yang tayangkan error message. Tetiba je disappear pas click send/don't send error report tuh. Cam kesial...

Aduh... so akibatnya, entry ni kena delayed sebab malas nak repeat performance nak taip kan balik segalanya.

Actually, sebab semalam aku meroyan sikit pasal rempit, ada ler pic kelakar ni nak share. After Ikon last night, aku jumpa Vern and Rudy kat Kampung Baru for a drink.
Disana jugak la ada la orang tuh order teh o suam, dapat hidangan air yang sebegitu istimewa in the pic kat sebelah tuh.

Kenapa istimewa?

Sebab bila bagitau kat waiter tuh tuh bukan order yang dipesan, and that the actual order was teh o suam.... dia leh ngan muka takde expression langsung... "betul lah tuh... teh o ais suam".

Boleh gituh? Some people are just so freaking creative when it comes to making excuses.
Anyways, back to the story behind the pic aku nak share... masa kat Kampung Baru tuh, aku actually had the incident kar PICC on my mind.

Yerlah terpikirkan artis veteran yang hebat cam Julie Sudiro perform, tetiba binatang binatang rempit dok belakang dewan kecoh sebab they can't appreciate someone who can sing in tune.

These same unwashed heathens with unusually loud voices to compensate for the lack of brains which goes in tandem ngan their lack of awareness about basic hygiene or common sense, only probably made their way to the venue disebabkan they probably as usual, had nothing to do with their lives on a Friday night (and couldn't afford to - like some people I know of), apart from showing up where they weren't wanted to behave like the hooligans they were to seek some form of validation (even if it be the ugliest of stares) to their pathetic existence.

Astro really should vet out riff raff like this from their events sebab wat malu jer bila keadaan camnih terjadi.

Or better still, put up this banner aku nampak kat Kampung Baru kat setiap event. Salute lar orang Kampung Baru. Apparently they can't stand these breed of losers too in their territory.
Pic ni aku da amik, tapi sebab ada orang hina aku kerana perasan pic dia lebih elok (mana tak nya dia pakai flash pelbagai) so aku curi je pic dia...

Cute isn't it... they should have this everywhere. Isn't it about time they stomped out rempit-ism? Sick and tired of every Saturday night kala nak kuar terpaksa tengk these little buzzing insects on motorised bicycles who think they're like cool or something when they're just... mmm.... DISPOSABLE!

Oh well... I suppose everything that exists has a purpose... even if it's cockroaches. We'll never really know the reasons... but...oh well... life's mysteries kan.

On with it.. tima kasih ler pada orang yang banyak masa ni yang takde kej nak sibuk wat screen shot aku kat Ikon. Keji sangat hidup ko kan...

Heh... minggu depan aku nak definitely avoid the cameras. Ni da confirm kes naya nih kan!!!!
By the way, kalao muka aku stress, tu mesti time time show thumbs down tuh. Eh...jap... sapa akak baju oren tuh ek? Cam kenal je... matilah aku kena carut buat tak kenal...

The last pic I have nak share for today is something special... it's of a friend.

Kalao korang tengok show Julie Sudiro, kan she was back by a pianist. Hah amoi main piano tuh, nama dia Genervie Kam.

Genervie nih kira rated international pianist la sebab dia da berapa kali represent Malaysia da seberang laut dan sebagainya mengharumkan nama Malaysia.

She's also a talented violinist tak silap aku, and dia ni da banyak terlibat dalam arrangement tuk lagu a lot of major names.

Alamak...siap aku cam tulis resume tuk dia lak. Anyways... Genervie Kam Shi Ling (abih la aku kena ketuk ngan Genervie bagi nama penuh dia ni)

Dia ni bukan je talented... malah satu family dia ni musically inclined.

Takyah soal pasal orang tua dia nih...yang memang have the gift, dua lagik adik beradik dia pun sama.

One of her brothers, si Nigel tuh satu batch ngan aku tuk intake 1993/1994 for our Sound and Audio Engineering Diploma kat Ocean Institute of Audio Technology (241B!!!! Holler!!!)... and the youngest si Arthur yang dok main percussion tuh.

Ala...dulu kan AIM dan beberapa event besar ada dak kecik main percussion yang begitu mesmerising gituh... hah dia tuh la.

Alamak... panjang lak cita pasal Genervie ni. Ye lah... saja nak introduce orang sebalik tabir. Since Vernon tak gi Ikon, si Genervie kem salam kat dia... melalui pic bawah ni... leh?

Sekian, sehingga kita berjumpa lagi, di hari dan waktu yang lain... majulah sukan untuk negara!