Thursday, June 21, 2007


- 26hb going to Jakarta (patutnya 25hb tapi kena ubah tarikh lak, tapi usaha masih dilakukan tuk try depart 25hb to spend more time there - Mangga Dua here I come katanya)
- Ada driver kalao perlu (merasalah pinjam Leo punya driver - sentap ok kena usung ke sana ke mari kat sana - ko ado?)
- 28hb banyak lak invitation nak ke Transformers The Movie punya preview (kalao banyak sangat aku wat competition kat sini jer, so keep an eye out)
- 30hb aku ke Singapore lak tuk konsert Christina Aguilera. Will be having a photo pass gak so as good as an all access (berangan kan!).

NOT confirmed!
- Press conference/round table interview/one on one interview ngan Christina Aguilera (sentap!!!) Alkisahnya management Christna da putuskan Shanghai as the vemue yang akan ada regional press conference. Keji...
- 'That' important meeting that will HOPEFULLY lead to that something I've envisioned for so long now.

Tulah in a nutshell, all the confirmations and non-confirmations aku receive from the whole day's worth of work today. Memang pening gayut je kat phone kena memacam frekuensi dan gelombang elektromagnetik dalam utilising technology nak get things done.

Spent the day in the office parked in front of my PC, and n the phone (and ther available hours in the smoking room to find my muse.

Malas tulis panjang. More updates tomorrow... meanwhile korang hiburkan diri ngan lagu ni dari one of my fave Indonesian bands, Project Pop. Lagu ni diambil dari their fourth album tak silap aku, called Pop Circus.

FYI - Banci dalam bahasa Indonesia bermaksud, mak nyah atau pondan, atau dalam bahasa kasar, bapok.

I dedicate this to all the drama queens... (gelak sambil guling sat) who have been plaguing my life and really should just get over their emo-do-put-aside-your-life for-my-own-importance (you know who you are) attitude.

Matilah mama Rozza the nightmare!