Monday, June 11, 2007

Love is Cinta

If you enjoyed Heart, here's a film you'll love.

Aku keberatan nak ulas pasal filem ni sebab lum tengok, dan tayangan di Malaysia hanya akan bermula pada 19 July, so kind of pointless.

Tapi, I've been reading the reviews from Indonesia and this looks set to suck. Heh... how much of the lovey doveyness on screen manipulation of corny dialogues and diabetically sugary sweet and syrupy love songs can you take, kan?

The synopsis I got from Grand Brilliance yang merupakan pengedar filem Love Is Cinta here, and it was confusing. Oh...kononnya tamau bagik spoiler ler. Tapi last last cam haram tak paham cita ni pasal apa.

So, senang je. Korang nak tau jalan cita ni camna, korang ingat tak filem Fly Me To Polaris dari Hong Kong? Lebih kurang ler jalan cita. Not sure? How about Ghost? Yang starring Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore. How about Always?

Simply, it's about Ryan (Irwan) dan Cinta (Acha) yang bercintan cintun but obviously someone has verbal dyslexia dan takleh nak ungkapkan kata cinta.

Now, Cinta is apparently this strange young girl, who despite her looks and all, lives only to hear the words I love you dari Ran (sedihnya idop ko).

Ryan meanwhile is supposed to leave for the States nak lanjutkan pembelajarannya, dan la la la fast forward dies and comes back in the form of Doni, to complete his task of saying I love you to Cinta in three days or something like that.

Anyway, as sucky as this movie may end up (I'm inclined to believe because I thought Heart was simply too unrealistic no matter what galaxy or dimension you're in), I bet it'll be a hit anyway for all the woozy, ditzy people who jut want to have a tear jerker to watch with their date so they have a reason nak peluk dalam kegelapan panggung wayang (jangan, apparently they have hidden cameras monitoring penonton in the cinema ok, I'm not joking!)

But siang tadi gi launch soundtrack Love Is Cinta, Honestly, aku layan dua kali repeat da album ni masih lom lekat dalam pala aku.

Lain la masa radio lom main My Heart aku ada rekomen korang dengar, ni cam mmmm... biasa je. A bit boring even. Apapon....korang kena layan sendiri's a sample.

Oh by the way, ni pics pasangan favourite ramai yang membintangi Love Is Cinta, iaitu Acha Septriasa dan Irwansyah ketka photo shoot siang tadik. The real life lovebirds are so cute a couple, tapi honestly, kesian sampai bila la producers nak milk them for their commercial value je. Tak kemana lakonan meka...nyanyian pon ala kadar je.....especially si Irwansyah who is as much a pleasure to hear as scraping nails on a blackboard, the screeching sound of emergency brakes and William Hung all thrown into a mix.

So anyways here's the first single yang da mula dimainkan kat radio. Siap karaoke lagik bagik korang nyanyi skali. See if you guys like it.

I think it's a little boring. But who knows...I prefer Bunga Citra Lestari's song anytime.

Eh ok... dah lewat. Nak tidur. Esok nak ke Ipoh tuk shooting Muallaf arahan kak Yasmin.
Tujuannya, Nani (Sharifah Amani) akan BOTAK esok. Heh...tunggu kat sini akan diupdatekan ASAP! Probably the first place you'll see it.

Until tomorrow then...