Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Andainya aku pergi dulu

Semalam, pagi pagi lagi, kak Fatimah Abu Bakar SMS memberitahu pasal pemergian Loga of the Alleycats. Sedih tol dapat berita camni. The last time met David and Loga was a few months ago.

I've watched them live a few times before, and until today, they have so many songs yang aku leh ingat.

Loga, rest in peace, brother...my prayers are with you, and hope that you're in a better place now.

Aku letak lagu atas as my tribute to the beautiful songs tat the Alleycats became known for. Aku ingat agik, tak silap masa tuh kat Chilli's kot kat PJ Hilton where they were performing, where they sang this song. Masa tuh aku ngan ex aku...when we broke up...this was a song I used to play a lot. Not to mention the late Loga yang naynyi for this performance.

Selain pemergian Loga, awal pagik tadik aku dikejutkan berita.

Pagik buta about 2am...ada member bagitau online, kawan kenal dari chat a long time ago, Yazid Ibrahim, sudah pergi...

Terkejut....sebab dia ni dari dulu kejap ok kejap gaduh manja online, baru last week dia turun KL jumpa sayang dia kat sini aku majuk dia takde masa nak jumpa.

Tiba tiba dapat berita camni. Mula mula tak caya...so call sayang dia...kawan gak. Dia pon bagitau memang confirm.

Hish...terkejut...aku mula mula ingat lawak babs...

Tak silap aku Yazid baru 33.

Mmm....dengar kena heart attack, and pass away kat rumah.

Kenapa ramai sangat kenalan pergi... aku rasa aku da lama bersedia kalao masa aku sampai...tapi, aku cam tak leh tima ramai sangat yang pulang... yang aku kenal.

Sedihnya...tapi aku rasa paling sedih sayang dia di Shah Alam ni (takyah la sebut nama). Jumpa dia 3 pagik nak console...sebab aku tau dia sedih gila pemergian Zid sebab meka baru beberapa bulan bersama.

It's scary to hear that he was all healthy last jumpa, and I don't know...it's almost freaky that someone quite healthy can just... go without a warning.

Mmm... it's not easy to lose someone you love. And it's harder when you've just found them... so babe... if you need anything, I'm there for you ok.

I know it's going to be rough for at least the next few days, if not weeks or months,, tapi aku yakin ko mampu ok get over this.

Zid would have wanted it that way.

And Yazid...wherever you are, I hope you're in a better place bro...much love...rest in peace.
Kengkawan beragama Islam...kalao leh sedekahkan al-Fatihah for a friend yang walaopon ada yang nak cakap apa.... was a real man who could take on anything.

Much love Zid...we'll miss you...

Me, myself and I....?

I'm just feeling really tired and weak, and so defeated at this point in my life. I keep seeing people just leave, that sometimes...you wonder why we have to go on just waiting for our time to go.

Well... everything for a reason...

Kepada yang aku tau tengah nitis airmata kesedihan pemergian Yazid....this is for you...mmmm...and aku rasa Zid would have given this song to you too if he knew he was going to leave.

Hugs babe...