Friday, March 12, 2010

Sorry seems to be...

Erm.. semua da tau kisah Ammar da.

Well, the press conference nak mintak maap atas perangai, tindakan dan kata-kata dia didn't go down as well as expected.

He started ok.. and then the blame game started.

I mean, nak salahkan dia for that pon susah. Sebab kebanyakan yang salah, dalam kata-kata dia. Nampak sangat dia masih dak mentah yang tak reti susun kata-kata.

And that sometimes, is the biggest problems faced by 'artistes' in Malaysia.

Most of them don't know how to articulate themselves. Cakap pon kekadang tak betol... merapu ke..

And in Ammar's case, the same thing that got him into trouble - prolonged the apology session.

Aku sampai lambat. Press conference patut start 3pm. Aku sampai pon da 4.30 petang. Mana taknya... kat NKVE, ada accident - SEBERANG JALAN. Punya lahanat punya manusia tertentu, walaopon kemalangan di seberang jalan, main henti-henti nak tengok. BODOH!

Akibatkan, dari exit Kota Damansara stretch jam sampai just before Damansara for no fucking reason. BODOH!

And then on top of that, sampai PWTC - keta semua double, triple parked bagai. BODOH!

Ni kes MATTA fair lahar tuh la yang menyebabkan. I, for the life of me, don't see why people hold these kind of events in PWTC no more. That building has so fucking outlived its purpose. The infrastructure, facilities is so outdated dan tak sesuai tuk apa apa kecuali kenduri kahwin indoors.

To make matters worse, kuda belang semua tarak. Tu la korang... akibat tanak memberi 'sumbangan' kepada tabung conservation wildlife.

Akibatnya - dari exit ramp Jalan Tun Razak nak pusing masuk ke PWTC, sampai ke entrance parking PWTC yang hanya beberapa ratus meter jauh - pun da sejam!


Just some of the many things so bloody wrong in our beautiful country when it comes to the traffic network. If the one we have can be considered as one anyway.

Don't even get me started about the quality of cabs or busses or even stupid motorcyclists who think they rule the road (I say ban anything under 500cc!)


Tuh dia... tapi does it work?

Anyway... menyimpang lak maki maki nih. Kes Ammar... PC yang eventually started 3.45pm, since everyone got stuck too, ended about 5.30pm! Mana taknya... berpanjangan. Ramai nak ceramah bagai.

I understand everyone's anger and frustration. Ammar got what he deserved. Ni lom agik awek dia yang poyo tuh. Kat Facebook nak meroyan bagai nak kata orang tak beretika sebab konon terjah lokasi - padahal mangkuk hayun artis berangan yang 'educated' sangat tuh sendiri tak sedar yang invite pada media di send out by the TV station yang nak amik production tuh.

Eh menyimpang lagik. Anyway, I don't know how sincere Ammar is, but yes, he does deserve a chance. But don't expect free rides la. I always believe that if you want respect, you have to EARN it, not demand it.

And before he even earned any, he got people to lose it more for him (is that possible when you have nothing to start with?)

But since he has been gentlemanly enough to eat humble pie, hopefully dia belajar nak mendalami seni lakonan kalao betol tu minat dia. Jangan jadi stengah yang feeling jadik pelakon sebab (name any amount of reasons but passion or any reference to real appreciation of the craft).

To those in the future yang plan to fuck up their own lives with totally stupid and uncalled for statements, pikir-pikir lah dulu.

Unless you have a few Oscars, a Tony or two, and maybe a couple of BAFTAs - and a record box-office setting film - jangan berangan diva. Sebab orang tak sembah ko. You're not out of reach to pull down and body slam on the ground.

Nak wat camna.... dunia glamer ni menjadi tumpuan bukan sahaja yang berbakat bebenar je... While it's like bees to honey for the talented, it's also like flies to shit bagi meka yang berangan lebih dari mampu, yang can't do anything else and want a quick break into fame and fortune (or untuk mendapat laki/bini/sponsor/sugar) sebab that's the only they'll EVER get ahead in life. Sad....!!!

So to Ammar, good move this time, and keep to your word and improve yourself.

After abih PC, nak gerak gi Kota Damansara. Haram jadah punya trafik! Dari PWTC ke Kota Damansara bayangkan... aku gerak 7.15pm gituh. Sampai Kota Damansara at 9pm!!! Like what the heck???

Malam tadi memang haram la everywhere. Jam sana sini. Sumpah ranah je keja aku kat Twitter.

Takde mood nak update pepanjang (walaopon da meroyan tak abih). Esok je la update agik...


Hidup di KL ni dah berjam2 habis atas jalan raya je

Joe bukan nak kata apalah... amar ni memang poyo giler. dia budak uitm melaka dulu... banyak kes dia kat kolej. tapi tak mau ceritalah...

biarlah dia nak buat apa pun. dia pun bukan handsome sangat, kayu berlakon, last2 popular sbb benda ni... hurm...

at the end of the day pepandai jaga diri. still... everyone deserves a second chance.

as for the jam, tak kuasa betol la.