Saturday, March 13, 2010


Leaving for Dewan Sri Putra in a while for Tirai Akademi Fantasia. Not excited in the least. Sebenarnya kan.. the first time since Akademi Fantasia bermula - aku MALAS nak gi.

Kalao bukan kerana kerja nak wat liputan, tajuk albumnya 'I Don't Give A Damn'.

Seriously everything about the show da ubah to the point nampak sangat meka tak hormat pada peminat rancangan ni that made it the longest running reality TV show - and still the most popular in Malaysia.

Sedih kan?

Aku rasa kali ni show da jadik self-indulgent. Syok sendiri... projek berangan. With the system of konsert dan results show (feeling Idol!... walaopon nak kata konsep Sehati Berdansa... hello? American Idol da berapa musim?), sampai la ke Diari ketika time Maghrib, everything is just so wrong.

I don't know how the stage or the Akademi will come in after being redesigned - but make-up can never help a show. The spirit of it is more important, and somehow, Akademi Fantasia kali ni da pengsan dan koma.

Malam ni, aku nak tengok contestant lak. Dari segi rupa, hado aura langsung. Mai kita tengok onstage lak. Stok ada harapan nak develop ke (kalao ada pon, masuk bawah AESB kang ado ke hado? Sila rujuk pada bakat bawah AESB skang for comparison) ataupun stakat nak popular konsep mee segera.

We'll see.

Bak kata sorang pengkritik kat Akademi Fantasia dulu.. I deserve my comment. Matilah ko!

What do you guys think? Should I even bother this season? Aku rasa very the kemalasan nak blogging musim ni pasal Akademi Fantasia. Aku tau beberapa bloggers pon da malas nak go on (biarlah sapa nak sambung keja tak bergaji kita).

Apapon... we'll see tonight.

Pada semua, if you wanna read real-time comments from me dari Dewan Sri Putra, I'll be tweeting about it. So korang layan royanan aku ketika show ek.

For those yang lom follow aku kat Twitter - add aku on @klubbkiddkl and follow my comments there. See you guys there.


Joe.. Xpelaa joe.. Keep on blogging for af8.. Haha lg pedas komen u lg syok .. I also din agree wif the format.. Feeling idol sgt.. Hmmm


Hi Joe..
I watched tirai..hmmmm..soo dull..almost everything..bout diary..let us put it this way..more sabahan contestants..need more sabahan the priority is sabahan..I'm x bias to sabahan..but its juz came straight to my mind...7.30?? most of us especially in kl or klang still stuck in the bad traffic...maghrib pun kena singgah somewhere along the road..aiyoo..cmne tuh?


n u know wats funny, org sabah will do the same thing mcm af7. stacy kan suda ada, why do they need another girl winner? kalo lelaki mgkn ada harapan kot.

my guess, farina akan menang. potential 1st female swk winner; Melanau (orang Patinggi Taib Mahmud nih). lagi2 dekat election ni they'll twist this to something positive for swkian utk terus sokong the gov

i don't know about who's going to win or not. tak kisah....... pe pe jek...