Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Hot dawg!

Tadik gi Ikea. It was heaven!!!! No no... didn't shop lagik. Da tahan da. Just had to pick up a few things.

Besides, cam takde nafsu da nak shopping wat sementara sebab tengah pikir nak tukar keta.

Walaopon sebenarnya keta aku ok jerk, tapi repairs are getting costly (mana taknya - Wira yang da nak masuk sekolah menengah tak lama agik - 12 tahun dah). So I been thinking about how much it will cost and all and I think it's workable.

So since I can't get my dream car (yet - and probably never will since Hummer's deal with the Chinese company fell through), so I think I found the perfect ganti for it within my range.

Nanti esok lusa aku survey... kalao ikut market price, mampu agik. So pikir pikir agik ni.

Anyway, back to Ikea. Aku smalam pas abih beli barang yang perlu tuh, mengidam sangat hot dog yang yummy sangat kat sana.

Arghhh!!! Rupanya????

Tuh dia.. da takde da. Nangis!!!! Seb baik curry puff meletop dia ada agik. But seriously, the hot dogs here were DA BOMB!!!!!

I suppose Ikea finally removed it after all the bad press about the halal issue, walaopon penah kuar paper the supplier punya Halal certification setakat expired but there was no pork found (walaopon berlambak email dan forum dan blog yang kompang otherwise). Tatau la aku missed a news article or two ke, meka yang miss. (CLICK HERE for the one I read)

Anyway, nak continue perusing some ads for cars.

Or any of my readers wanna sell me their ride? Tapi make sure worth it ek! I personally like nice sporty 4WD (think Nissan Frontier) or any car that's convertible (kecuali kalao Proton Saga ko gi potong bumbung sendiri - tu aku tanak!).

Heh... going off now. Ciao!

PS - Catching up on Project Runway Canada. Iman hazab!!! Kayu nak mampos! Heidi rocks anytime.


Bukanlah joe, i ada pegi hari tue, staff kat sana cakap hot dog tue takda stok, maybe April baru boleh dapat stok semula...kelakarkan...itulah staff kat situ bagi info masa pegi last week.

Joe, 4WD?!! Rush or CRV not bad jugak... (4WD ker?)

elle : ye ke. aku malas nak tanya. ingat soal issue halal. tapi serious SODAP ok hotdogs dia.

Liea : yeap... rush dan crv too lembik la, aku nak ganas cam frontier. tapi kalao ada yang nak jual murah kat aku ok jerk. ahahahah