Monday, March 15, 2010

Glee .. dan GELI!

Yeay... Glee is coming again by the end of the month (for those of you watching on Star World, Astro Channel 711, every Wednesday at 9pm who don't know... yes, orang da habih pon tengok musim pertama). Still, it'll be seamless because by the time everything wraps here it's time for the next season so you don't have to wait.

BUT... that's not what I'm posting about today.

Got some inside info pasal Glee nih. Bagi peminat Glee - baik kat Malaysia, or in our neighbouring countries - wait for POSSIBLE good news. The cast of Glee are going on tour in the US - with seven dates in four cities in May.

Nothing's been confirmed - but (don't quote me), we MAY just get a Glee moment in Malaysia (or even in Singapore)!!! Can I get a hell yeah on that? The lovely people at Fox/Star World who do FEH-BULOUS WORK (unlike some unprofessional, juvenile, lazy-ass agencies for other channels who then moan, groan and blame others for their stupidity) apparently are working on bringing the cast down this side of the world. Gleeks unite!

Heh... happy sangat.

Nanti, if I get more info aku bagitau.

Dari Glee, masuk bab geli lak.

Pas balik tadik, layan keja sikit, and then layan Youtube nak tengok Diari Akademi Fantasia pertama (sorry aku antara populasi yang tak kuasa nak dok parking depan TV time 7.30 - bukan nak solat Maghrib... tapi memang masa tak sesuwaiiii - sila rujuk Youtube jerk jawabnya)

Korang layan dulu Diari hari ni... pastu tengok korang stuju tak bebenda aku rasa geli sangat.

Erm... so apa yang aku geli sangat. Sila rujuk senarai dibawah ini.

10 Perkara Yang Geli Mengenai Diari Akademi Fantasia (setakat ini)
1. Sebutan 'Diari' dari Jimmy.
2. Sebutan 'Akademi' dari Jimmy.
3. Monyet yang bernama erm... Mo? (kreatif gila nama)
4. Makeover akademi (cam dicat orang rabun warna - tau la ikut tema sponsor tapi cam someone possessed wat jerk... takde tema langsung, even in decor yang apa sampah je campak set Diari.. tipon tuh tak kena mengena) Cuma ada beberapa bilik diberi tema sponsor (Brands ke Era.. ada beza ke?) sementara ada yang malas diubah tetap maintain colour Hotlink.
5. Ramai yang gedik, ada yang pecah lobang gila (cue scene pemberian tugasan 'Ziana' beraksi)
6. Ramai gak yang poyo. Hats and sunglasses and too much hair wax.
7. Baha kembali sebagai RA.
8. Lima minit dari 24 minit Diari - buang masa ulang tayang persembahan Tirai yang nan hado. Padahal one more time ulangtayang ketika evaluation.
9. Mr Bola Bola missing dari Akademi. Tau la musim lepas tak semua dapat bak balik Mr Bola Bola sebab bajet kureng... musim ni terus lesap ke.
10. Website official takde info menarik langsung sementara layout and design haus! Dah start musim ni I don't expect to see 'TypeError: Result of expression 'xmlDoc.load' [undefined] is not a function' as part of the site. AFUNDI terkini pon hado nak show up? Baik KE SINI terus nak tau.

Setuju ke tak? Ada aku kisah? Pepandai korang tambah kalao ada.

PS - Aku dapat private message dari sorang Idol aku. Heh... rahsia! Suka sangat! Go go go! Three of my four favourites made the top 12 and they're gonna rock it!


Hai Joe! How r u?

I LOVE GLEE!!! HELL YEAHHHHHH!!!! Cuma frust sebab Volume 2 CD belum dapat lagi...Boo Hoo... Yay to Kurt and Mercedes!!! Hahaha... Bust Your Windows!!!

Can't wait for Season 2...

Aku ingat ko tepek widget nan hado aku kat blog ni.. ces.. rupenye bagi link je..

xde2. x kire, ko mesti letak jugak walaupun bawah skali.kahahahaha

p/s - TQ promotekan walaupun nan hado

I would have preferred Sarimah to host the Diari. Jimmy looks so kaku la... so unlike his hosting of Trek Selebriti. But give him a few more days.. hopefully he'll do better :)

The Diari is too short!

D - i'm excited for season 2 and possibility of them coming malaysia *pengsan*

paan - kang aku letak. promise! takde masa godek. nanti aku cita.

Nessa : jimmy is learning.. but yes, he is rather kayu. hopefully he can get better.

OMG! If they come to Malaysia, aku HYSTERIA! Keeping all my fingers cross!!

couldn't be more agree with u regarding to all the GELI facts that u've listed

joe, aku dah lame prasan cara jimmy sebut 'akademi'.


On Glee - I know. It was an OMG moment for me.

As for sebutan Jimmy - sesuatuh!

"TOLONGGGGGG" astro, kembalikan KAMI punye "AKADEMI FANTASI" mcm tgk pertandingan KAROEKE!!!plssssss do something sblom "PARAH"

tu la pasal. that's what i so thought