Monday, August 03, 2009


So sorry cause been too busy guys and gals. Sampai tahap nak update pun tak tercapai akalmu gituh.

Started the day by popping by into office. Yeap, officially am back in Malay Mail as of today. Back at the entertainment desk as senior writer - which simply just means more responsibilities.

Da settle nak get down to the nitty gritty of the 'relocation' back there, lari ke KLCC for a meeting with a big company nak settle pasal event mid August. Final details. Syukur everything went well, dan basically my plans have finally borne fruit.

Dari sana, gegas balik office, and then balik ke area KLCC, kat area Impiana for a get together. First time dok ngan member Press ramai ramai camni after so long - and this time back in the fold.

The view from Impiana poolside - ok lak cam phone aku ni

Singgah Pelita jap pastuh, and past 1am, aku da ready nak KO da. Seriously can't take late nights like I used to.

Ni lagik dengan segala kerja nak siapkan - entahlah boleh cope ke tidak.

Juggling full time job, with company (one corporate event confirmed, one TV production awaiting greenlight for budgeting, one recording due, and one band nak settle management talks)... pening dowh! Sing with me now.... money money money... MONEYYYYY!!!!

Ni nak abihkan one more email to be sent out for quotation, esok lak kena masuk office, then sekali ada event, before malam nak finalise stuff with dancers. Lega benda ni jadik, but it's going to be a headache with 100 over dancers involved. Aiyak!

Ok la... takleh blog pepanjang. Just wanna finish things and get to bed.

By the way, bawah ni ada three short videos shot kat Melaka. Korang layan la bebudak ni punya gila. First video, si Obri, Sidi dan Yazid jamming nak wat lagu Raya, but can't get past 'Selamat Hari Raya' repeated like a million times, second tuh tiga orang ni nak serenade Aishah tapi last last jadi iklan 'Aishah - Tuala Dalam Wanita' dan third, si Hafiz jadik mangsa dok belakang Aril dan Akim on this two seater bicycle kat tengah pekan Merlimau time kitaorang shooting pada hari ketiga.

Ok... I'm out of here for now.

PS - Promise will be back as usual by the time I get a hang of this crazy schedule.

PPS - Finally got Garmin GPS installed in my phone. Cracked on my own! Yeah! Tapi sebab cloudy day today, satellite connection crap! Boo!

PPPS - Am organising a Yasmin Ahmad tribute. Will let you guys know details soon.


lagu raye tu sedap. buat la single raye untuk budak bertige tu!

thnx a lot joe...nak lg..nak lg...hehhehe...klaka tgk dak2 sengal neh...cian echah