Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Virus attack!

Semalam pas update blog nak tidur, check torrent download dulu. I have a whole bunch of downloads main jalan jerk dan ada yang complete. There was this TV series (Little Britain - the complete three seasons of the UK version) yang da abih, so ingat nak check on it, before transfer to add to my collection of Little Britain USA and Little Britain Abroad.

Dan dan... laptop aku naik psycho! Matilah! Virus attack! Aku disconnect dari Internet cause rasa fishy da lappy aku nih. And it tried to keep connecting on its own. Pas kejap, terus dia auto shutdown bila tak layan request. Sial tak.

So hari ni masuk office, terus got to work on my laptop. Malas nak mintak orang tolong sangat, but thankfully Amir volunteered his expertise yang ting tong tuk work on my laptop.

Four hours later (walaopon Amir da balik, aku godek sorang sorang), finally my laptop was virus free!

Korang tengok nih. The first round aku scan, ni hasilnya!

Shit! 92 tuh! Second round, pas aku update antivirus, it detected 41 more with 2 warnings! Matilah! Third time just to be safe, aku run again, it detected a total of 8 with one warning. Sial jerk virus nih.

Pendek kata, wasted my time downloading that torrent yang besau 1.7GB dan telah memakan masa empat ke lima hari. Seb baik banyak lagik benda aku nak layan nak tengok yang tak sempat agik.

But thankfully, my lappy is back to normal... or as normal as a three year old machine can be.

Oh, by the way, said I was in the office kan... did a little minor spring cleaning (otherwise known as chucking away everything in my area).

The place is bare for now, but I have plenty of space to work with. I have a nice corner lot, MUCH bigger than my previous office cubicle, and definitely more room nak makeover kan (matilah da home office dan bilik da makeover, office space pon nak?)

Motif ada PC nak ada laptop gak sekali? (ni masa laptop masih running antivirus check)

Anyway, just to remind friends out there, I am back at Malay Mail as a senior writer. Kalao ada gosip ke story hiburan, email me ok! Senang je, email me at - and please no junk email ke benda yang mintak sampai salam orang tuh nih sebab sah aku delete je. They have fan clubs for that sort of thing.

Pada kengkawan industri, apa lagik... email ke call aku bagitau la latest... heh! Adoi... esok ada final preparation sebab Friday got a big meeting on. Awal pagik lak tuh kat area KLCC. Then nak start finishing banyak stories - especially upcoming Ramadhan ones.

Sibuk... dan pening wat sementara sebab juggling so many things. Am going to so appreciate the weekend to recoup. Hopefully my organisational skills will improve fast.

Assignments coming in fast - and mid August ada projek... aduh... give me strength!


mak aiiii...joe...da hang download mcm2..sib beik kans...da ok ...mmg cuak lau ader virus ntah hape2 neh..kali tuh ader virus name jawa pong der..

mak aiiii...joe...da hang download mcm2..sib beik kans...da ok ...mmg cuak lau ader virus ntah hape2 neh..kali tuh ader virus name jawa pong der..

fuuhh..torrent mmg ada virus kekadang.

tula pasal... nasib nasib... tapi da ok da. antivirus pasang sampai tiga!

bro anti virus klu blh pki 1 je.. sbb nant dia crash n x function... huhuhu... nice blog... :D