Friday, August 21, 2009


I know these videos were posted some time ago, I think about two years ago, but I just caught it. Kelakar nak mampos! It's the Celcom versus DiGi ones.

Personally - I still have my DiGi line tapi tak kuasa sebab servis cam lahar... just sayang sebab ramai tau that number, and malas dan tak berkesempatan nak tukar the number to another provide... and Celcom aku memang aku da terminate sebab azab (time tu.. though I hear meka da ok sikit skang)

But found the Happy Tree Friends-esque cartoons hilarious! Amik ko! Besides, I have always found the yellow DiGi man just way too freaky! So this way a nice watch...

Apart from that, didn't spend the day doing much. Sent in one article. And played games the whole day. Relaxed je.

Anyone play games on Facebook and Myspace? Here's what I'm playing at the moment. On Facebook, my current obsession is with Restaurant City. Started playing this just one week now, tapi dalam list aku of about 30 people playing da naik nombor satu. Heh!!!

Dedikasi sungguh ok main game nih! No cheats, no hacks.. hate playing games kalao pakai macro ke bot ke script ke... tak kick. Ni dok ngadap je laptop main game, ni la hasilnya.

Another game yang masih addicted, tapi kurang sikit da sebab focus Restaurant City, is My Zoo. Ni asik bertukar tempat, but usually top two or top three in my list. Ni my zoo for now.

One of the first games I used to play, tapi da malas sikit, jarang layan now, is My City. Right now, ada 340 penduduk.

Tapi game paling lama aku tahan, is over at Myspace. Mobsters for Myspace. Ni kedudukan aku. Proud to say, I'm one of the highest ranked mobsters among Malaysians (tak pakai macro ok!). If you play this, join my family - it's the CSK mob. Aku nya stats power sikit sebab sapa usik je memang mintak nahas.

Just trying to up my bounty more. Skang at 6.8 billion.

Why am I updating on this?

Sebab sambil tunggu waktu sahur, tengah main game ni semua, while waiting for my Project Runway nak download abih. Episode one of season six. Da tengok complete Little Britain (UK, tiga musim, US satu musim, Comic Relief special, Little Britain Abroad - and awaiting finishing of Little, Little Britain).

Nothing more to watch while wasting time. Weekend ni dok rumah je kot. Sebab baru start posa, member semua balik kampung, so sahur, berbuka dok umah je la.

Anyway, selamat berpuasa to all my Muslim friends out there. Wat elok elok ek!


yo joe! first of all, slmt berpuasa.. also, try main 'Mafia Wars' kat facebook.. not sure whether it's the same as Myspace's Bounty. Have fun!

hey joe,
selamat mencoba berpuasa penuh ya?
(salute kesungguhan as a non-Muslim)

ur entry wat i teringin nak aktifkan FB i tu.sebab dah malas dari friendster ke cambest je restaurant city ni,my friends pun ada yg ngadap game ni je.

wah wah ropanya itu restoren kamu ya...

tanak main game lebih. hiks. aku da block semua apps lain da dari myspace.

same on facebook. nak focus beberapa games bebetul da.

and thanks, and selamat berpuasa to all!

dulu aku obses gak dgn mobster.lelama bz nak login jd jemu lak. sesekali jenguk gak.

pesal eh aku try masuk blog ko guna p1 wimax xleh. error. Guna streamyx bleh lak.

corey no idea. by the way mobster skang aku da 505. aku slow down sikit but maintain login tiap hari. demi mob family aku.