Saturday, August 29, 2009

Oh well...

Malas nak post panjang. After my last entry, seriously takde mood. It's hard not to feel angry when the authorities seem to not be taking this more seriously than it should.

Kelakarnya... I guess the papers were asked to downplay the event. My morning papers just came. The Star had the Prime Minister's comment on Page 24!!!


Oh well.. malas lah nak komen lebih. Some things will never change.

I just want to see justice before believing that 1Malaysia exists.

Moving on... semalam gi rakaman Melodi Raya. Meriah abih. I didn't snap too many pics. And malas nak upload sebenarnya.

What I have instead is this. Aku janji korang video dari majlis berbuka hari tu kan. Ni ada tiga. There's Faizal Tahir's AMAZING acoustic performance of Bencinta, lagu baru yang memang besh gila from Datuk Siti Nurhaliza - Ku Percaya Ada Cinta dari album kerohanian Tahajjud Cinta and also a duet by both of them on Cahaya Aidil Fitri.

Korang layan dulu la. Aku nak gi tidur jap. Dari sahur tadi sampai sekarang, masih sengkang mata depan laptop. Enjoy... until later...