Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Boys with tats

Does anyone really hang out in Sunway Pyramid? Oh maybe... just not me.

So I wasted time looking for the venue of the Boys Like Girls listening session sebab tatau mana la tempat nama Coco Banana nih (yes, you may laugh at the name).

When I finally found it, was halfway through the album dah. Layan... but takleh masuk. I swear... boybands are still around. Except they've evolved into rock bands. Not rock bands who will be classic... just those who will have 14 year old girls screaming at them.

But the guys from the band were pretty cool, I suppose despite me not being a fan of their music.

In fact, if anything caught my interest when I interviewed them, it was their tattoos.

Check out the pic they posed for me to show off their tats!

Showed off mine, and gave them the contact for my tattoo artist here (if you guys wanna know who, it's the awesome Eddie from Borneo Ink who is pretty big in the world of tattooing that's based in Hartamas)

Pastuh rushed to rehearsals for the mob.

There were like six groups of so of about 20 people each when I got there. Not quite the full 100, but rotation, ramai datang throughout the evening until late at night.

We had over the initial 100, which was a good thing. Nampaknya ramai minat bab flash mob ni, so syukur.

It's going to be fun when we perform this Friday.

Esok another day of rehearsals, and then pastuh kena deal with photographer and videographer, along with checking out the location nak usha positioning for everything. Scary...

Couple of days left. Worried like hell...

That and over the piling amount of work I have.

Aduh... tidur dulu...


oh dear,it'll be on friday?
harap dapat tengok!

coco banana... hehe pnah join tournament bowling kat pyramidnye bowling n have foods n drinks provided there @CB...!

hye joe hw r u?
bz ker?
boys like girls mmg bad yg kalu dengar lagu die berbunyik klise..... sume lagu tak de pembaharuan .... tapi masih sedap di dengar.... seperti lagu2...yg selamat....huhuhuhu..... tapi aku still suke lagu the great escape..... huhuhuuu......

success jsquare.............