Saturday, May 23, 2009


First things first, I want to apologise if you guys expect a posting about me going to Jelajah 11 Era or even that concert at Bukit Jalil.

Semalam aku busy sangat. So tak gi any entertainment event.

In fact, this entry will probably only be attractive to the ladies, those who love shopping, and bargain hunters... most of whom will fall into the shopaholic category. Like me! I can never resist a bargain.

Awal pagik kuar ke Centro kat Klang. What for? The FJ Benjamin Warehouse sale!!! Yeah! Twice a year, and this is the first for this year, and it's in Klang, tak sampai lima minit dari rumah aku (kalao lalu jalan kol 4 pagik masa takde keta... otherwise it's a good 10 to 15 minutes... damn you MPK!)

Aku naik gila and spent a total of RM600 over. Want to see how things were and what I bought? Nih dia...

Aku sampai exactly 9am! Doors open at 10am, so in warehouse sales time zone, I was considered very late! Tapi entah camna, rezeki aku, there were only about 20 people ahead of me.

So I plugged in my headphone, layan lagu, and pulled my shades down so I could have a quick nap. Bila bukak mata ten minutes laters, there was about several dozen other people behind me already. Amik ko!

By 10am, there was easily I think, close to a thousand people lining up. Matilah ko! Aiyoh! And most of them looked serious. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Warehouse sales are miracles, because an arthritic 82 year-old woman can suddenly spring to life, and bash you on the head just to fight over a purse she likes (I speak from experience)

When the doors opened, all hell broke loose. These three Ah Lian girls yang tak beratur and skipped ahead (walaopon sampai minutes before the door opened) to join a friend just behind me, got vicious and cut in front of me. Sabar... aku diam je. Malas nak ngamuk. Tapi sungguh kurang ajar.... matilah balik je la Pulau Ketam! Not only were they rude, I had to put up with their loud yapping in Cantonese... reminding me of the time I was stuck between two Taiwanese tourists talking loudly on a plane.

The four, rude and very loud Ah Lians in front of me. Shame on you!

I turned behind and found the line snaking about the first floor of Centro. Gila ah! Macam tak gerak langsung padahal the line WAS moving.

Then it started. Everyone got vicious. I couldn't get close the Nautica, , Nike, GC or Guess watches sebab everyone crowded there. Maybe because all the prices for the watches were only between RM140 to RM280. So I planned a quick system. Bags, shoes, then clothes.

And this is what I got after perjuangan satu jam setengah and how much it cost me. Do you guys think it's worth it?

Three pairs of Guess shoes. Beli sepasang RM90. Kalau dua, Rm150. So these three cost me RM240.

For my sis

Also for my sis.. both five inches

For my mom, very demure, red leather slingbacks

Something crazier for me mom. A Guess handbag at RM100

For myself. A Raoul keychain holder at only RM35

Also for myself. Two Raoul shirts at RM40 each

I love this best. This Guess tux-like jacket was only RM150 and potongan cantik gila!

I am so thinking of going again today sebab nyesal tak pick up some items. And usually, mesti ada last minute durian runtuh additional 20% discount. So me going sebelom top kedai. Korang kalao kat area Klang carik je Centro.

Me hoping for the Guess luggage yang only RM180. Also some nice Banana Republic, Raoul and Guess tops and pants (ada for ladies and men) yang going cheap. Yummy!

Sapa nak beli baju anak, the have the kids selection too (yang aku perasan for Gap and Guess), while sunglasses ada selected range from Guess. Harga tak pasti. Aku tak venture sana sangat. Stakat lalu je.

Abih tuh happy gila! I love a good bargain! And I love warehouse sales (korang mesti perasan entry pasal warehouse sales Estee Lauder and Lewre and such kalao slalu baca sini). So therapeutic.

Anyway pas abih ada urusan kat Ampang. Sepatutnya 2pm, tapi it was delayed until 3pm. Sungguh ngantuk.... akibat drained of energy because of the wrestling at the sales.

Finally abih everything (acara ni rahsia so takleh cakap apa) by 7pm. Grabbed a quick dinner and patutnya rush Shah Alam, tapi ngantuk sangat leh tertido dalam keta (stop kat rest area la, bukan masa driving)

Bila bangun terkejut da kat depan Plaza Damas. Bila aku drive sana. Matilah mengantuk sangat last I remember was driving out of KL town je. Matilah!!!!! Aiyo! Never ever do that! They should have a disclaimer at warehouse sales of its effect on how it can make you sleepy and drowsy for the remainder of the day just like cough medicine.

Headed back to Klang ada urusan lain. Erm... also cannot say pasal apa. But follow-up meeting awal tadik. Sempat dok ngadap laut kat Tanjung Harapan, otherwise known to Klang-ites as Tanjung Gila!

I generally hate being close to the sea when it's dark. Phobia sebab aku leh nampak benda bukan-bukan. Tapi this time it was calming. I like!

Ni sampai umah terus nak KO. Esok je aku blog lagik ok. And for fans yang follow-up on Akademi Fantasia related news, tunggu entry Isnin. Ada something special sebab kami nak adakan mini gathering. Bukan fan club ke apa-apa... but among the kids and tenaga pengajar and such. Tunggu ek.

Need to sleep now...


morning joe!
aku tau ko mesti tak bangun tido lagi time gini kan! :D
swonoknye shopping sakan. dah lama tak gi warehouse sale.
the last time i went, yg dekat section 14 tu, loreal warehouse sale. hehehehe....menggila.
btw, lawa la stieletto black and white guess tuh. cantik!me likey!:D!!
at klang?
damn..apesal tatau ni....

Wah ...ini shopping tuk raya ker...hehehehehe....puasa pun belum lagi weiiiii........ hehehehe

Chekdee tak suka sale...sebab sakit kepala bila nak shopping ada ramai orang .....kita nak pegang...dia pun nak juga..... haiyaaaaa...... akhirnya tak boleh jadi...... tak apalah..... kalau mahal...beli satu jer sebulan...hehehehehe

hi Joe... me, hubby n cousin were queing in front of you... (definitely not the 4 Ah Lian's..hahaha)tak tau la u ingat atau tak.. I'm ur silent reader..once nmpk u jer terus ingat u n ur blog!!just segan nk tegur jer..huhu

perasan tak? ada another 2 malay girls pon sesuka hati jer potong2 konon claim yg diorg Staff FJ, tp rilek jer kt dlm try2 of them were in ur photo of 4 Ah Lians (green top-short hair...geram mls la nk sound bimbos yg igt org bodoh sgt tu..

btw, just wanted to say HI..dh meleret2 lak... hehe. regards and Hi from 3 of us.. and nice red jambul!!

Anon : kalao suka mintak pinjam ngan akak aku. huahauhauhau

misshannan : kena rajin usha ma

chekdenoor : sebagai shopaholic kena gigih walaopon menci suasana ketika sale! kena mengharungi gak. hauhauhaua

dieyra : yang mana ek? ngam2 depan aku? the malay girls tak perasan but yang ah lians tu memang sakit hati. like honestly, so bimbo melampau! and hi back to you guys. heh! kenapa la tak tegur.. leh ada geng shopping.

Hi Joe..

yeah..we were just ngam2 depan you... 1 guy and 2 with tudung girls was us... the malay girls yg cut Q tu diorg potong Q masa betul2 time nk msk.. same as ur case la..nk dkt msk trus potong...btw, lenkali i'll make sure to tegur you yer..hehehe..

lor. yer ker. cam tuh hubby ko la yang ada ngan aku time kat watch counter tuh. ada orang tolak2 aku panas sampai mengucap je mampu. hauhauhaua.. dia dok tumpang gelak!

yeah... true...dia pon ada cerita psl u mengucap pnjg dgn minah yg menyelit2 kt watch counter.. and he actually terkejut gak bila i bgtau, i know u from ur blog...dia baca blog u gak smlm...hahaha... by the way..nanti bila dpt tau second sales FJ sound2 la...mana tau leh jumper u lg..hehehe..ley jd geng shopping..

hey joe

warehouse sale tu sampai bile ye?