Sunday, May 24, 2009

Catching some Zs

I think today was the first day in a LONG time I indulged in a massive sleeping exercise.

Tido pon da time subuh camna lak nak bangun awal kan. Terus apa pon dirancang tak dihiraukan. The comfort of air-conditioning and my bed was enough to keep me in it until pukul 4 ke 5 petang. Merasalah!

Tak jadi terus nak gi sale, sebab da malas nak lewat sangat, tapi kengkawan yang gi kata ada additional 15%!!! Penyesalan sikit, tapi cheered myself up by thinking of how much I save by NOT going there and shopping my ass off.

Besides, aku kena simpan duit sikit nak shopping for furniture for the office, so ok la kot kang.

Tomorrow my time out ends sebab nak start beli barang-barang yang diperlukan. So one day for that. Malam lak ada mini personal production party hosted by Irwan for the team, trainers and kids, so that should be fun and a nice end to the day.

Korang usha je pics kang lah.

By the way, a little info for peminat Akim - malam tadi dia masuk studio tuk rakaman Bengang. No pics or anything sebab aku tak gi.

Tuesday ada launch Anak Wayang, so expect me and Faz to go cam-whoring. Sapa yang nak sangat pics terbaru Faz, tunggu jerk la for that. Heh... and yer, aku tau sapa yang ikut Faz on her personal blog yang aku started out, tau yang lom ada updates. Sabar ek.. da marah dia da. Heh! Sibuk takde masa... tapi she will start blogging when Anak Wayang starts so kira korang leh tengok how things are more or less going on behind the scenes kang.

So what did I do today? Nothing much, except belah malam keluar ngan member nak jumpa sorang kawan kat Ampang atas urusan sikit.

Spent the remainder of my waking hours layan some favourite stuff online.

For sapa yang ikut series Weeds, keep an eye out for the fifth season!!! It will premiere on Showtime on June 8! Tak sabar nak torrent. Me hooked on Weeds (er... the series...) Apart from Idol (which was only so-so this year after the exciting audition episodes), America's Next Top Model (preferred the last few seasons cause Cycle 12 had the most boring lot), Heroes (tak sabar next volume), Weeds is my one guilty pleasure.

Check out the preview of Season 5 which was uploaded just two days ago.

And oh my Lord... for everyone out there, who knows who Susan Boyle is, they announced her in the final for Britain's Got Talent! You go Susan! This was her performance.

And if you have no idea who Susan Boyle is... something is seriously wrong! Check out this clip from the Oprah show to get the lowdown in case you just came off a desert island after being there at least for the last month.

Ok... going off to finish a book. Getting too much radiation from facing my laptop for so long. Ciao.

PS - Downloading the supposed leaked Transformers 2 : Revenge of the Fallen. Hope it's the real thing. Can't wait to watch it. Trailer looks good! Devastator!!!


Hai Joe,

Akim dah mula rakam single begang mana pula lagu single ARIL. Sambunglah citer tentang pemergian akim dan aril ke indonesia...pls

Wah chekdenoor.....Risau nampaknya bila Akim dah rakam lagu Bengang tapi Aril belum lagi. Agaknya by now Aril pun dah rakam kot? Don't WORRY......
Anyway, lagu Bengang memang BEST...

p/s Kalau sesape tengok Mentor malam tadi, misti akan berkata yg Aisyah nyanyi lagu Yuna, 10x lebih BEST dari protege smalam. Tok harap-harap Aisyah dapat lagu-lagu yg macam Amy Mastura slalu bawak sebab nampak ceria dan cute gitu. Lagipun, adalah pengganti Amy Mastura utk masa depan. AMACAM?

hi joe :)
shopping memanjang ek. seb baik la ko tido spjg ari ni. save budget :)

glad to know dat akim had recorded Bengang semalam. dalam banyak2 single rasanya Bengang dan Masih Jelas yang paling best sebab i'm still humming both songs until today compared to the others. yg lain tu dah tak ingat camne melodinya. hehheehehe....lagu aril aku ingat kat "toksik" je. hahahahaha. lagu toksik tu kalo diperkemas and buat arrangement cantik lagi, it actually sounds good sbb it has that catchy element in it. plus, aril kena praktis lagi nyanyi lagu tu. he makes it sound hard *sengih and angkat tanda peace kat aril* muahs!

pasal susan boyle lak...
i don't think she'll go far. in today's bias world, i believe she is not gonna sustain in this industry (bunyi negatif, cam jahat je kan!). but i think that's the reality. now eveerybody is taking advantage of her, even my dear kakak tersayang, oprah pun feature her on oprah show! mmm...sementara tgh hot, tgh laku and ppl r giving full attention towards her...all spotlights r on her...err, her TALENT. tapi tak lama pastu bila competition abis dia pun hilang bagai terbang dibawa angin camtu je. realiti. but hey, who am i to judge kan. this is just my sceptical thinking. kalo dah tersurat dia akan berjaya later on, itu kuasa Yang Maha Esa :) takde sape yg tau mungkin rezeki susan boyle utk benar2 berjaya terletak ketika usia dia dah lebih setengah abad :)

transformers...tak sabarnya nak tgk sequel ni :)

okies...penatnya menaip guna tgn kiri. sblh kanan dok sibuk kopek ayam (do i disgust u? hahahahaha....tahan je la ek!)


hi joe :)
shopping memanjang ek. seb baik la ko tido spjg ari ni. save budget :)

glad to know dat akim had recorded Bengang semalam. dalam banyak2 single rasanya Bengang dan Masih Jelas yang paling best sebab i'm still humming both songs until today compared to the others. yg lain tu dah tak ingat camne melodinya. hehheehehe....lagu aril aku ingat kat "toksik" je. hahahahaha. lagu toksik tu kalo diperkemas and buat arrangement cantik lagi, it actually sounds good sbb it has that catchy element in it. plus, aril kena praktis lagi nyanyi lagu tu. he makes it sound hard *sengih and angkat tanda peace kat aril* muahs!

pasal susan boyle lak...
i don't think she'll go far. in today's bias world, i believe she is not gonna sustain in this industry (bunyi negatif, cam jahat je kan!). but i think that's the reality. now eveerybody is taking advantage of her, even my dear kakak tersayang, oprah pun feature her on oprah show! mmm...sementara tgh hot, tgh laku and ppl r giving full attention towards her...all spotlights r on her...err, her TALENT. tapi tak lama pastu bila competition abis dia pun hilang bagai terbang dibawa angin camtu je. realiti. but hey, who am i to judge kan. this is just my sceptical thinking. kalo dah tersurat dia akan berjaya later on, itu kuasa Yang Maha Esa :) takde sape yg tau mungkin rezeki susan boyle utk benar2 berjaya terletak ketika usia dia dah lebih setengah abad :)

transformers...tak sabarnya nak tgk sequel ni :)

okies...penatnya menaip guna tgn kiri. sblh kanan dok sibuk kopek ayam (do i disgust u? hahahahaha....tahan je la ek!)


wah, akim dh start rakaman! weeee..

thx joe sbb inform kami :D