Thursday, May 07, 2009


First of all, so sorry guys semalam aku memang takleh posting panjang. Banyak sangat preparation tuk meetings hari ni.

Biasalah... aku bukan orang korporat. So nak meeting camnih serious aku tak selesa. I hate being in a stuffed shirt scenario, cause I simply find myself out of sync. I'm definitely a t-shirt and jeans, eccentric, creative type, so bila kena menghadapi situasi camni - serious aku stress bagai.

But syukur, all the preparation was worth it, and the project has been greenlighted. Tunggu the additional stages sikit nak fine tune things je. Tapi bila CEO network sendiri da give the nod, apa lagik.

If that wasn't enough to make my long day a happy one, got some good news. Sort of. Melibatkan orang lain - tapi impak yang besar pada diri aku gak. Masa je menentukan sama ada aku akan ke arah tu ke tidak je. But thankful I have options available.

Dari segi kerjaya, nampaknya things are getting so much better with opportunity knocking - not just once... tapi nampaknya it's becoming a habit. A good thing definitely.

Meanwhile, my past scriptwriting job (yang ala neverending story nih) kena lak my attention within this week or next turut menyeru. Nangis lah! Suka tau time kerja lain ada, nak slot in. Dahlah berapa bulan menunggu sepi tak khabar... kerja bukan tak buat, tapi nak tolong orang nih la yang mungkin bakal menyusahkan aku.

Aduh... dah lah time orang nak final ni pening...

But takpe. Rezeki.

Pas abih semua, headed to Dewan Seri Putra nak pass CD kat Irwan, one of the Konsert's producers. Ada demo lagu final. Merasalah.

Tuh dia si Irwan nun jauh... kesian.. sabar Irwan. Two more concerts to go

Orang layan soundcheck, Jojie sibuk amik pics sendiri (Facebook la tuh - matilah aku kena maki ngan dia pasnih letak pic nih sini)

Masa sampai bebudak lom agik arrive, so aku melantak dulu after realising that it was 8pm and I hadn't even had BREAKFAST yet, and my only meal of the day was a hot cup of Milo. Matilah camni aku leh jadik Aizat langsing terus (berangan je tuh, takkan sampai camtuh nya.. very the impossible for me - makan hati!!!)

Passed the CD and sat in on the soundcheck. Worried sebab minggu ni semua ada tugasan English songs so wanted to see how the kids are doing, and what I can help out with.

Isma nampaknya no hal ngan Aku Pasti Datang, and on Hot N Cold, she surprised me. I think if the soundcheck was anything to go by, she'll surprise a lot of people. But then again, I hope the uptrend continues kat tomorrow's rehearsals, and eventually the Konsert.

When Hafiz did I Believe I can Fly, all I can say is that it is undoubtedly beautiful as it is, takyah ubah apa apa pon ok jerk. Despite having a little problem ngan suara dia (bebudak semua practise sampai ilang suara - Akim pon), he didn't have to struggle to do it. Thankfully. Also bab Laskar Pelangi he seemed to have worked out the kinks despite earlier difficulties getting some parts of the melody down.

But the most beautiful part of the whole night - is the underrated beauty of Acis nya touch when it comes to the music. On I Believe I Can Fly dan U2's Where The Streets Have No Name, lagu tugasan Yazid - sedap gila!!!! Aiyo... layan!!!!

Takleh letak pics rehearsal (spoil la surprise show then la kan?). But ni tak nampak sapa... can you guys guess who? (no prizes ek!)

Yazid did great for Where The Streets Have No Name with one or two masaalah ngan sebutan. Bab Aku Skandal, he did ok, but because dia masih tak confident ngan melody Aku Skandal, he occasional didn't hit the right notes. But since dia realise, it's step forward for him to rectify it before Saturday.

Akim best je dedua lagu, Larut and also I'm Yours, the latter which he gets to show another talent of his. Tunggu je.

All in all - I'm sure the concert is going to be great because I'm sure in terms of entertainment value, these kids are giving the audience value for their hard-earned money.

Bab lagu bonus pun ok, except Hafiz masih pegang lyrics sheet. Tapi small matter je tuh. Esok ok la tuh.

Overall, I'm definitely looking forward to this week's concert sebab memang dari segi perfomance saingan sengit. Oklah korang layan diari kat atas, as well as the first part of a special edition of Diari EXT yang menampilkan tetamu in wakil-wakil kelab peminat calon AFMASUK semua.

Me going to catch some Z's and hopefully enjoy the day before the weekend tomorrow...


rindu nk tgk faz :D

update psl faz please ...


LOL...loved the pic of the two golong-golong guys

Left - Yazid Right - Hafiz (love him to bits!!!)


I started to enjoy watching AF7 eversince concert 7 as I can see an almost balance performance by all students with the improvement in self confidence. It got much better in Concert 8 and so, I'm REALLY looking forward to see them in concert 9. The remaining 4 really work hard and deserve to be in the final and infact one or two more if possible. Tapi tengok je la apa yg akan berlaku dlm konsert minggu ini.

hope no elimination this week...... 4 pelajar mmg nampak bersungguh.....

good news itu melibatkan penyingkiran TF dan kemasukan R semula ke? hehe

joe...hope ko baca suggestion for consert final nie..

hopefully nk tgk persembahan tribute sume pelajar yg telah tersingkir berduet nyanyi lagu yg pernah dibawakan finalist af7...example:
aishah+claudia+zizi=tak mungkin kerana sayang(isma)
rubisa+rini+adila=destinasi cinta(akim)
qhaud+sidi=kau yg punya(hafiz)
aril(kalo dia x afmasukla)+obri=pape je lah lagu yazid penah nyanyi..
pas2 ramai2 nyanyi lagu Malaysian Artist for Unity-Here In My Home...

bestnya..pliz ek joe..this is juz my suggestion 4 production..tq

sepul : la la la la la
TLW : no komen. huahauhauha
TokSky : agreed. they are way ahead of when they entered nine weeks ago
Anonymous 1 : tatau aku. ihiks.
Anonymous 2 : NO KOMEN! sah orang malay mail nih. hauhauhauhaua
azamencem : hopefully... kita tunggu dan lihat next week ek