Saturday, May 16, 2009

Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 1)

It may be a little late... but here's Diari EXT from just now.

And the actual show... congratulations to the kids for such a great job! Aku banyak sangat gambar, so sabar je ek! Over a thousand pics! Matilah kan??!!!! Also a video from the kids for all of you! Coming soon. Keep checking back here for more...

Aku tak sempat posting panjang sebab tengahari esok kami ada kenduri kesyukuran kat Akademi Fantasia. Will post pics of that too as soon as possible. Until then.. layan dulu Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia!

Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 Special links
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 1) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 2) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 3) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 4) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 5) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 6) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 7) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 8) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 9) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 10) - CLICK HERE


hahah...padan muke arilgay ko tuh xmenang

hahah...padan muke arilgay ko tuh xmenang

bodoh la sapa2 ckp padan muke padan muke. bodoh bodoh.

eh joe, apsal isma nampak cam miming je revolusi tuh? ke suara die tenggelam sbb 4 laki lawan 1?

takkan miming?apapun kenapa pengutuk disini masih tak sedar nak berambus!

Masih Jelas d best song hafiz nailed it, lagu anuar not so impact knp kt umah xdgr sgt, akim lagu baru die best n sesuai dgn sore die, lagu faizal tahir cam die pancit le, ke tinge ku salah dgr yang pasti akim should be 2nd place're right.. .akim's performances were rawks...
I like his performance of BENGANG...sgt2 best...His bencinta, i pun rase mcm die pancit ckit..nevertheless die mmg rawks the stage la...but terkilan ckit la die dpt no 3...he should be no 2...anyway I will alwiz support him even no 3 pun...yeah..akim the best!!!

AF dah Tamat. There is no need to complain ok the result. Percayalah dengan rezeki. Anyway, Aril, you are the best to me ( wink).

Kalaulah Aril dapat lagu lebih menarik untuk konsert final....

Kalaulah Aril dapat lagu lebih menarik untuk konsert final....
Dah tentu dia dapat no 5.....

Congratulations to the Top Five.

My Best wishes to ARIL on his career! You did it your part in Final, You STOLE the show and You NAILED it with style.

setuju bab akim dan aril best performer malam itu.

Congrates to all 5 for making it to the finals....cuma terkilan lagu2 yg diberi kpd students kureng ummpphhh....tak hebat sbg konsert final materials...kalaulah students diberi lagu2 mengikut genre kesukaan masing2...mesti konsert lg meletop kan..lagu/single baru pon ntah pa pe...xcept masih jelas kolobrasi aidit alfian ngan ad samad je yg ok..sob..sob...astro cld have done better in their choice of songs...sian bebudak me...af7 konsert final hambar skit bcos of that...kalau ada lg af next season...hrp astro & team produksi take note...peminat2 sume nak af close with a BANG!!! bukan mcm yg terjd pd finals af7 ni...sob..sob (again)...kata astro simpan bunga api tuk finals...tu pon takde juga...adeh!!! nasib baik la performance Aril & Akim meletop...kalau tak....

Joe.....thanks for all yr hard work..

lagu toksik lagu paling busuk dalam sejarah akademi fantasia.pencipta lagu bangang ke apa?kesian aril.bukan komen sebagai peminat aril,tapi peminat af.

Bersyukur dgn apa yg ada.Tahniah to all 5 students. Takkan Isma cuma dapat trophy je? Betu ke? Anyway, AKIM rawks....