Monday, May 18, 2009

Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 4)

Walaopon tahun-tahun sebelom ni aku slalu ada kat tapak Konsert Akhir awal, this year, like I mentioned in previous entries aku da keletihan abih... aku tak larat.

Aku bangun pun da kol 4 petang da. Sempat la sampai je jalan-jalan semua booth yang ada. Ada empat rumah wakil kelab peminat, iaitu fan clubs for Akim, Aril, Yazid dan Isma. Hafiz nya kelab peminat saja takde. Abang Edhar kata meka takde merchandise tuk jual so rasa tak keperluan booth.

Aduh... sayang sebab biasa kelab peminat punya booth la tempat bermesra for all the fans. Carut mencarut satu season usually akan berdamai kat sana lah. Plus on top of that, bukan semua fans Internet savvy, and it would have been nice to see Hafiz FC open one so more fans can register for his fan club.

Tapi takpe... aku spotted a lot of Hafiz FC punya fans berlegar kat booth orang lain gak.. so mesra la gak kan.

I rushed in and out of the stadium entah berapa kali, but in the end settled down on my seat. Jittery katanya tak sabar nak nunggu bermula show. Suddenly all the weeks of competition, just drained me. Rasa keletihan sangat, dan yang penting teramat emo. Menyesal lak ta bak tisu sebab I have a feeling I'm going to break down when I see the kids perform.

Anyway... ni some pics from before the show. And to all the fans yang gi show tuh, you guys are the best, no matter what fan club you were from, sebab korang kecoh but berhemah gituh. I like! Baru la semangat competition ala Akademi Fantasia. Fairplay katanya...

Next part... will be pics from the performances. Again sapa nak pakai any of these pics in forums ke blog ke websites MESTI kredit dan LINK my blog. Jangan nak pandai edit ke crop watermark aku... awas la hidup ko mengundang malapetaka kalao wat camtuh.

Ramainya orang!

Part of the Diari and Konsert production team

Family, friends and fans

Khairul, Zainir, Aznil dan Tiara

All the kids in the new batch of the Fantasia family

Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 Special links
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 1) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 2) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 3) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 4) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 5) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 6) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 7) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 8) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 9) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 10) - CLICK HERE


god bye AF7..
mintak2 ade AF8
klik kalau nak free HP


cantiknyaa rini nye make up. i like!

Joe,.... ARIL dan AKIM ke jakarta atas urusan apa ya ....mereka rekod single lain ker...hehehehe....nak menyibuk tanya-tanya ni.......

ai pon rindu.mulai malam ni tak ada diari dah. :-(

ai pon rindu.mulai malam ni tak ada diari dah. :-(

Aril & Akim ke Indonesia utk shooting drama, kalau tak silap le.

Aril & Akim ke Indonesia utk shooting drama, kalau tak silap le.

Tok sky...drama malaysia atau dram indonesia..... kalau tahu apa judulnya....nak gak tengok nanti....

suke tgk tomok sokong kakak aa lagu baru kak isma..kat radio pon dah kuar dah..suke3