Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Ok... so here's what most of you have been waiting for. Ni senarai tenaga pengajar tuk Akadem Fantasia musim ketujuh, or AF7.

Hasridz Murshim Hassim (Acis) - Pengarah Muzik/Guru Muzik
A.Aris A. Kadir - Guru Tari
Ida Nerina - Guru Seni Persembahan
Siti Hajar Ismail - Guru Vokal Teknikal
Fatimah Abu Bakar - Perunding Motivasi dan Bahasa Inggeris
Syafizawati Sharif - Guru Persembahan Vokal

As you can see, almost major change here in the line-up. Half the faculty is new.

Acis of course needs no introduction. A respected musician (and other handsome half of Datuk Sheila Majid), Acis, bekas ahli kumpulan Gersang da lama berkecimpung dalam dunia muzik, and is recognised for his work - whether behind the many albums that bear his name, ataupun heading things behind the scene when it comes to production of live shows for the biggest names.

Kira memang layak la Acis ni. Not to mention apart from the guaranteed quality behind his name, the ladies (and some men too) will love him for being great eye candy as well on TV. How can you beat that?

Siti Hajar, kak Fati and Syafie are without a doubt, household names bila masuk bab branding Akademi Fantasia, so no arguments there too.

Ida Nerina's entrance into Akademi is not really surprising. She's been involved in the audition selections a couple of times now as those yang gi ujibakat will know, and her role as guru drama rasanya is well justified, in tandem with her abilities to dish out the goods. Hope that translates to teaching, which I'm sure will be no problem.

The only real suprise (tak terkejut sangat pon sebab da dapat info bocor awal awal like every year) was the inclusion of A.Aris A. Kadir sebagai the choreographer this time around, replacing the most consistent (in terms of appearance on the show) member of faculty, Linda Jasmine.

While tak ramai may kenal dia nih, dia ni yang aku tau dari Aswara, and has been involved in a lot of theatrical productions. He is also known in his capacity as a choreographer, so here's keeping fingers crossed that things will pan out well.

Bukan apa... there have been really good members of the faculty before this pun. Good in terms of their experience and knowledge and recognition in their field of expertise. Tapi bab nak translate to syllabus yang kekadang menjadi masaalah sikit. Especially when it's condensed and compacted into a ten week schedule, with students ranging from the 'know nothing' category to the smart alecky sorts.

Kak Fati, Syafie and Ida goofing off

The people behind the announced names

Funny hand signals ahoy in the AF7 hood!

Ladies? The hot one's taken

One more

Either that's an earring come undone or a damn bigass hearing aid....heh

As the pictures above have kind of given things away, AC and Sarimah Ibrahim are back, reprising their previous roles.

Yeap... AC will again play host for the weekly Konsert and Sarimah is going to be the face of the Diari.

First on AC. Yes, I was damn hard on him last year. But hopefully since he's been given a second chance this time around, he will learn from the mistakes he made in the past. Yes, he did finally point out that the show is about the contestants, not the host. That's a good start.

If he performs better, he can only justify that he is capable of the job. So good luck to AC and hope he uses this time to get a head start on preparations to ease into the role.

Sarimah lak has been successful in bringing out her wacky character in Diari, and I think she's been so underrated about her work on it. Mintak mintak la orang nampak hasil kerja dia, cause I think she's a natural without being obnoxious in front of the camera.

Now the big question.

Sapa pengetua. Semua mintak aku wat speku sapa akan galas tanggungjawab tu. Petang tadi kat sidang media pon nama yang paling panas sudahpun disebut, which is none other than Sheila Majid.

Jadik ke? Tahun lepas pun sebut Tiara, tapi abang Ramli yang comeback kan?

Speaking of which, yes, I know a majority want Ramli back. Personally, so would I. But whoever gets the role, tuk aku it has to be beyond just being a name. It also has to be beyond recognition behind the name. Talent, experience and popularity are all good. But not everyone can teach. And not everyone can delegate AND teach.

Having knowledge is one thing. Knowing how to impart it to the young minds is somethng else altogether.

So here's keeping fingers crossed sapa pon dipilih yang akan sign contract kang (kisahnya ketika sidang media tadik disebut lom ada memana calon menandatangani kontrak sebagai pengetua), will be the best.

The production team kali ni pon revamp and promises something new to Akademi Fantasia, which wille be something to look forward to. Want to know more kena tunggu la.

Anyway, for AF fans, musim bermula 7 Mac Tirai Akademi Fantasia with the second part on 8 haribulan. Diari AF episod pertama akan bermula pada 9 Mac and pembaharuan kali ni ialah Diari akan keudara hanya sekali sehari dengan satu laporan selama sejam. Konsert pertama lak akan ke udara 14 Mac.

Meanwhile selain Diari EXT yang akan keudara hari Jumaat bermula 13 Mac, program baru, Diari INT lak akan keudara tiap Ahad bermula 15 Mac.

Damn... that's a long report. Lotih jari aku menaip. So korang da ready ke nak feeling Transformers katanya (tagline tahun ni menenai transformasi)

Apapun it's still too early to tell where the seventh season is headed. But who cares. It's Akademi Fantasia. You know you're going to get hooked.

Like I am on Weeds. Erm.. let me clarify. I mean the TV series.

A few people have been bugging me to catch it and I just finished the first season. Awesome! Three season marathon to go. Meanwhile in between, catching the latest episode of Heroes too. Damn... and Wednesday it's Idol. I'm swamped just by being a couch potato.

Back to playing sofa spud then...


i've been waiting eagerly 4 this entry hihihih..thanks a lot joe. tau2 la org dok jauh ni, harapkn info2 dr blog cenggini je lah

wah..best2..suka dgn suma tenaga pengajar..ada pembahruan..really fresh..hermm..harap kali ni AF7 penuh dengan hiburan..kejutan..dan gempak ler..hehehhe..mana nak lari kan..konsep dan objektif tetap sama..huuhuhuhu..cuma skang tak sabar nak tgk sapa pengetua..dan yg paling penting..student aaarrr...sapa yg bagus..sapa yg sumbang tahap dewa..sapa yg plastik..sapa yg poyo..hehehhe..suka suma drama dalam akademi..huhuhuhu...

baik tul komen ko tentang af. takder carutan pun. i want carutan ! i want joe lee back ! i want joe lee's style back !


entry suci murni

i hate AC sebagai pengacara

yatie : no hal
ayu : kan.. tak sabar semua musim mencarut katanya
SM : matilah ko tetap skema kannnn
arween : huahuahua... suci murni la. gunakan tanpa was2 katanya

tak sabar nak tunggu sapa pengetua ni...harap2 ramli ms laa...like u said joe...bukan semua org boleh impart knowledge...bukan senang nak jd cikgu kan? pasal new faces tu...no comment...tunggu tgk how they perform dulu...tp pasal weekly host tu....harap2 ada pembaharuan...

apa2 pon....thanks joe for the updates...

weeds best kan??
walaupun ade kelucahan tahap melampau..
x penah2 aku tgk series yg tunjuk laki punye tooootttt..!!

JOE dah insap ye..
tanak carut2 lg kan..

JAH tunggu je sape yg nak jadik the next RIZ..I mean..mangsa carutan u..ehekz

what's with you and riz je. get a grip. it's a tv show

ok JOE..haha..
I'm a big fan of AF jugak..
so..can't wait AF7 n can't wait to read all ur comment bout diary,konset...
Sometimes..ur funny..i know u realize that kan..
By the way..
RIZ 4 ever..ahaks

i'm just honest. if that happens to be funny for some... syukur....