Monday, February 16, 2009

Thing that make you go...

Hari ni checking on the Internet, was watching videos on Youtube for some research was doing, when I clicked on a link and a video of Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up came on.

Ok, Youtube has been weird lately. Copyright issues have been tightened and some videos are not viewable based on the country where we're in. So I've been getting this Rick Astley video a lot for months now but thought that was Youtube's way of screwing around with us.

That's when I finally learnt something new.

Ok so it's not that new. It's been around since 2007 but became a mainstream prank in 2008.

I'm talking about 'rickrolling' otherwise when you get sprung, being 'rickrolled' (also spelled rickroll'd. It's where someone gives you, or describes a video in the tags and title that fit your search, and it's actually a Rick Astley music video.

And this joke is all over the Internet.

Well I guess you learn something new every day. I've been rickrolled I think bout a dozen times today. I think I'm tiring of the song.

CLICK HERE for the wikipedia definition of Rickrolling
CLICK HERE for the Urban Dictionary definition of Rickrolling
CLICK HERE for the official You Got Rickrolled page

In case you've never been rickrolled, here's what you get for those yang tak pernah went through the Eighties. By the way this song was a huge hit then.

Scarily enough I can actually sing a long the whole song without forgetting a single word or beat. Arghhhh!!! I DO NOT age gracefully.

So at least now you what what it means to be rickrolled. If you already did when you read this, then shut up, don't bitch and watch this.

The band you're watching (if you're playing the video is OK Go a band from Chicago, now residing in Los Angeles.

The videos above are firstly A Million Ways and Here It Goes Again. The latter won a Grammy Award for Best Short-Form Music Video in 2007.

A Million Ways was their first single, and was a viral Internet phenomenon end 2005. The ultra-low budget, long take video featured the band in their back yard performing a dance choreographed by lead singer Kulash's sister, Trish Sie.

Using a camera borrowed from a friend, the video was produced for under ten dollars, and was apparently released without the knowledge or consent of their label, Capitol Records.

By August 2006, the video had become the most downloaded music video ever with over 9 million downloads.

In July 31, 2006 the band released a video in a similar vein for Here It Goes Again featuring an elaborately choreographed dance on treadmills, also directed and choreographed by Trish Sie.

This video was viewed by over one million people on the media site YouTube in the first six days. As of the end of until today, the original video upload for Here It Goes Again has been viewed over 44 million times, putting it in 30th place for the most views of any video of all time and 22nd place for most viewed music video as well as the 6th most favourited video and 2nd top favourited music video of all time on YouTube

It is also the 49th ranked most discussed music for all time over Youtube.

Why am I sharing this? Cause some people in our music industry still think you need big bucks, major muscle and huge influence to get attention, get a hit, or win a Grammy.

Creativity is the key, and if you don't have it - then the only real money you need to spend is for someone with it.



Ok go is cheesy yet funny, that y people like it... haha