Friday, February 06, 2009

The call

Finally got THE call today. Meeting on Monday.

Tak sabar aku. Da lebam montot aku dok diam je. Biar sampai melecet (lain je bunyinya) but at least aku sibukkan diri pasni. Go 2009!

Biar my astrological signs say bad year, I'm going all out to make it the best year in terms of my career.

Esok ada gathering kol 7 pagik, followed by kena gi Kompleks Sukan Bukit Jalil tuk the first of the last two days of the final leg of the Kuala Lumpur Akademi Fantasia audition. Saja nak gi menyemak. So more pics tomorrow.

Hari ni tak ke mana. Ni nak kuar jap beli barang then baik rumah tidur awal. Until tomorrow then... have a good night and enjoy the weekend. Especially those who have Monday off for Thaipusam.