Friday, February 27, 2009


Went for the Astro Kirana Short Films awards. Capek banget sebenarnya. Was so tired and sleepy. With my irregular sleeping pattern akibat batuk dua hari sebab dok telan ubat batuk, hari ni memang aku zombie sangat.

Day out started with lunch ngan Faz at Chilli's in 1 Utama and then nak beli barang sikit.

Then ke rumah dia, bersiap for the event, before we headed to the KL Convention Centre.

Ramai gak kengkawan yang aku kenal... but malas bagai nak snappy pics sangat. I was seriously just a walking shell, and my head had begun hurting.

But lepak berlawak ngan kengkawan ngan pasal, pala jadik ringan la sikit and semangat nak go on. Walaopon invite kata 7pm, tapi sampai ko 9pm nunggu, aku masih leh lagik standing. Enough to even kacau Aizat and Liyana.

CAK!!! Surprise!!!

Tired...but not enough to stop me documenting one for the fashion files.

Fashionistas, take note if you're interested to know what Faz wore, here's the complete look. She wore this lovely simple black jacket, which had pleated details in the back, and mini puffed sleeves and a cinched waist which accentuated her slim figure and assets and made it a more va-va voom curvaceous look. With a simple black top, and a pair of stressed jeans (which is so the look - stressed, not ripped), she was channeling Gwyneth.

Ngan Syazwan dan peminat No 1 Muzaffar dari Astro Awani(note the Chanel clutch)

Simple and chic, my fave parts of her outfit had to be the subtle accessorising which lent a more wow factor to the whole look. Cue : belt and shoes.

This edgy but cute Ralph Lauren belt is a stunner. So my taste!

Dig those Chanels. I think they were about 5 inches. Loved the look cause I just thought they popped and kudos to Faz who braved the five minute shoes and proved she could make it five hour shoes with no problem

Since it was a semi casual event, and not really your regular outfit for the red carpet, and aku suka gila that Faz can show a different side to her fashionable approach apart from her usual trademark girly sweetness.

Aku start je event aku gi tidur kat keta. Sad but true. Aku tired out gila.

Recharged body batt for karaoke later pas done and supper joined by Ted and Bonita.

Masa parking kat Pavilion (since we went to the Red Box there) spotted this car.


Everything from the simple make up of the body kit to the paint work and the meters popping out the side of the hood made it a centrepiece for sure. Too bad the owner couldn't afford to get a better artist as the spartans from the 300 theme was not as impressive.

Quite horrible and comic like actually.

Anyway, had about two and a half hours of karaoke, and am tired out... AGAIN.

Need to recharge fully. Night, guys...

PS - Managed to catch the repeat of the results show. Was right about Adam, and even about Kris who I don't quite mind seeing in the top 12 though sad for Kai. Also not happy Jasmine is out but Allison definitely performed the best among the girls for yesterday's show. Hoping Kai and Jasmine make it through wildcard.

PPS - Karl, America's Next Top Model Cycle 12 starts on 4th March so I will try and update on that kalao sempat.


bro, thanx a lot..

yelah, kat rented house nih.. astro takde.. hehe

btw, kak faz looks awesome! tertipu gk mula2... nmpk cm casual je.. but then, bile dh tgk her jeans.. alamak! hehe... xkisahla, ape2 kak faz pkai, sure looks nice.. sbb she's pretty!

hv a great day ya! btw, no prediction for pengetua af7???

wow!!!!! stunning!!!! cantiknya Faz....huhuhuu

Glad I met you last probably tak ingat, but i was the 'akak' who claimed to be a big fan of your blog..I am! Kekadang bila stress, can chill a bit by reading your latest postings (love the humour), carut lebih kurang pun tak pe la kan (that's what makes it entertaining sometimes..hoho). Although the hall was filled with celebrities, somehow I was more excited to see you..macam a familiar face yang I've known for ages..kelakar, but I guess it's because I've been reading your blog for so long, rasa macam kawan lak (*perasan*). Anyway...I've just recovered from batuk-batuk myself...took me 3 weeks to recover. Try this...minum coca-cola perasa temperature punya), somehow it works for me..:). Get well soon!

Karl : astro tunjuk skang cycle 10. meka backtrack sebab sebelom ni tunjuk cycle 11. states nak tunjuk cycle 12 da.

fazzy : kannnn

Mihai : thanks la kak. sorry smalam aku zombie sangat. huahuahua... am touched ada tegur sebab baca blog tak seberapa aku ni. keep on supporting me too ok whatever i do. hugs.

perghh tingginye kasut faz

btw,aizat & liyana look sooooo cute together :)