Okay so this is going to be another long entry, in part thanks to the banyak gambar aku amik masa sanding Leya and Ashraf earlier tonight.
Memang besh event tuh. Tapi apapon, let me start dari mula, and backtrack since my last posting was done at their house. Memang it was the most multicultural wedding aku penah hadiri.
Mana taknya... sebab bonda Leya, Nani, Lesya and Yana, kak Fatimah Abu Bakar is half Chinese, meka also pay respects to their mother's side of the family in typical traditional Chinese style!
Kalau ikut gaya kaum Cina, cara untuk hormat orang tua masa kahwin, is when you bring your husband home to the family house, you must present him to your parents and grandparents, and then keseluruhan keluarga to ask for their approval untuk dia diterima dalam keluarga.
Memang macam wedding kaum keluarga aku yang penah aku saksikan.
The reason for this, is especially to pay respect to kak Fati's mom, nenda Leya and sisters, who is pure Chinese. Walaupun dia convert - ni soal kebudayaan, so it was touching to see they still observe simple things like respecting their elders in the traditional Chinese manner.
Iaitu dengan pasangan pengantin menghidang teh kepada kaum keluarga, bermula dari parents, then grandparents (either way pun boleh) followed by sedara mara. Yang lebih muda dan lum kahwin, the other way around... kena serve pasangan pengantin.
Yang pasangan pengantin hidang teh - akan memberikan angpow, dan yang menghidang pasangan akan menerima angp pow! Amik ko!
Dapat gak angpow walaopon raya Cina lom sampai kan!
I didn't take pics of the tea ceremony - except one sebab sibuk kaco kak Fati ngan aturcara - kerana ingat what my grandma and my aunties taught me about the ritual. But I'm going to start this posting ngan beberapa pics yang tak sempat aku upload semalam.
By the way, keluarga Ashraf pun dapat pengalaman pertama take part in the tea ceremony. How sweet...
Yana pun nak mencelah.
Sempat enter frame tuh si Nani...
Only pic aku sempat rakam masa upacara hidang teh dari pasangan pengantin to Leya's grandparents.
The happy couple - Ashraf and Leya, with wedding planner si Eena, bini Yasin and Nani - the woman of all trades yang control freak (matilah aku!)
Cantik Leya - tapi rambut bentuk cam kepala Alien! (ampun Leya!!!!)
Apa hal Nani dan Yana ni... kena kurung ke???
On the way out - reminder of the happy event...
I was dead tired bila sampai rumah Bangsar way past 5pm. Ngantuk siot tak cukup tido tapi sebab tak berani tidur tak tak jaga jaga and miss my later private event - tahan jerlah. By the time event habis - pas 1am, aku balik terus KO. Gawd! This is like the first Saturday in months aku tidur this early.
Next day bangun awal - ada event Marsha FC punya bowling. Ramai team amik bahagian siot! Lebih 40 siot! Aku kena gi sebab main mewakili team Bloggers. My team mates? Abang Bad, Diddy and klon Juan Danza (ampun makcik!) yang kena ganti the original yang tido mati tak sedau walaopon aku call beribu lemon kali!
Ni some pics aku amik kat sana. Before I forget...tahniah pada semua pemenang and all the sporting fan clubs - and also to the organisers yang sudi jemput aku. Besh besh besh.. me likey! Ramai hadir - sekali ada Shawal, Amylea, Heliza... not sure if anyone else from the camp was there sebab riuh rendah!
Heliza pose haper tuh??? Amylea cam bosan lak...
Do you spot yourself in this pic? Peminat semua amik pic kenagan.
Cantik tak baju Marsha?
So jalan-jalan shopping dulu. Merasalah bonus lum masuk nak shopping. For my friends yang sama minat magic - I got myself the Fireball!!! Woohoo!! Sapa nak tengok aku throw out balls of fire! Aku dah leh da skang. Entah kenapa aku naik gila tetiba spur of the moment punya purchase.
Dari Berjaya Times Square - gi lawat kawan kat Cheras dulu (rindu ko Zai akhirnya dapat jumpa), before gerak ke Legend Hotel.
I'll let the pictures tell you about the simple, tapi romantic sanding event ok. The reception start ngan pasangan mempelai masuk dengan iringan lagu Glenn Medeiros, Nothing's Gonna Change My Love. Then doa, and dinner. Followed by speeches from the three sisters in Nani, Lesya and Yana. Touching gila their short, simple speech sampai ngundang airmata - especially dari orang nih.
There were also video messages on screen dari rakan rakan artis wishing the pasangan well - including Datin Seri or Datuk (depending which title ko nak pakai) Siti Nurhaliza.
The whole thing was over in two hours. I like! Short and simple - tak meleret, tak overdose nak grand sampai bagik orang fed up. Made everyone apppreciate the special occasion so much more.
So here are the pictures...
The pelamin - simple but elegant hues of white and gold
Setting for the main table - white totally! Simplicity at its best. Less is more...
The door gifts...
Berdebar masuk dewan dan naik pelamin depan lebih 500 orang.
Yana, Lesya and Nani the bridesmaids.
The terror that is Nani begins. Here's the bridesmaid from hell!!! (matilah Nani bunuh aku pasnih!) First escorting the bride...
Nani fussing over Leya...
Antara tamu...
Sesi gosip otai.. Pierre senyum jerk.. merasalah terperangkap celah orang anyam ketupat!
Fara sempat pose...
Nani begins said reign of terror - fussy fussy!!!
"Pose camni.."
"Just smile sayang..."
"She fussing again... tell me darling, why is she the bridesmaid again?" "Erm... because she's your sister, you love her... and she's the jack of all trades who gets everything done?"
"She's fussing with my shoes.. AGAIN!!!"
Kak Fati, hubby Syed Zainal, daughter Nani, Lesya and Yana, we well as Leya with hubby, Ashraf
Dengan keluarga pentantin laki lak...
Congrats Leya!!!!! You have a good one, sister and all the best!
Arghhhh!!! Nak tidur. Got back past 4am after supper and drink with Vern and Rudy at Concorde Hotel punya Melting Pot (which doesn't have a f***ing workable wifi service for use.
Ngantuk hawau!!!
Esok lewat tengahari launch album Siti, Hadiah Daripada Hati. Aku posting pas abih ek! Keep a lookout for that.
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