You proved walaupun kita orang Malaysia, omputeh pun tak semestnya lebih bagus dari kita.
Semalam was World Music & Culture and Heritage night, so music dia tak ler tuk frantic sorts like me. Ada persembahan kebudayaan, then Mawi, Mila, Zahid... ramai la anggota keluarga Akademi Fantasia perform. Lebih 2,000 layan.
By the time they finished, tinggal lebih kurang dua ratus orang layan Zainal Abidin. Er... tak campur.
"Malam ni bukan malam world, tapi world music."
Some people just sound so bitter. Ok la..malas tulis pepanjang. My line is still wonky, even though the Streamyx techies I call says they've reset my port or whatever. Sheesh!
So just enjoy the pics guys.
Haziq poyo (jangan marah adik oi), dan Bob yang pinggang...erm.. on the way ramping!
Zarina gayut sempat pose, Velvet lak kenapa wat muka camtuh???
Mila cuaght off-guard,si Rosma call Juan ngamuk pasal kak kahwin (matilah aku!)
Heliza asik gayut ker keja! Balak ke???
Sampai Mila sempat posing tuh!
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