Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hello Moto!

Oooh!! Hari ni, aku gembira sangat! Why? Because I am one of the first few to get the Motorola ROKR E8! Ok, I know I'm a sucker for gadgets, bit honestly I've been waiting MONTHS to get my mitts on this phone. Akhirnya dapat gak smalam.

Stylo sih!

Tak sempat aku nak review lagik, cause I been too busy playing around with it to find out all it's plus points and all the negative blips. Apapon, am going to be so rocked using it at the launch of the phone tomorrow evening at the Laundry Bar.

Matilah lari between there and Marie Digby's showcase at 1 Utama.

Anyway... here's the first glimpse of the Motorola ROKR E8.

Damn... forget the iPhone. This looks like it can seriously kick ass when it comes to music phones in the market.

Motorola ROKR E8 - the mother of all music phones

Now on to the more mundane but necessary.... I know mesti ramai waiting to see what I'm going to say about the drama yang berlaku.. sebenarnya malas sebab aku rasa benda ni awal awal ramai da nampak. But need I go on again raving about the same things that some blind themselves to?

Diari Akademi Fantasia 6 - Minggu 9 hari kedua

Looks like it's going to be an interesting day today with just the intro following up from yesterday's sesi ngumpat.

Before that we had to weather soal kenen kenen antara Stacy dan Nubhan.

But that was better than having to put up with the strange bedfellows (that's just an expression ok) in Toi dan Stanly. Sesuai pasangan ni secara vocal.

For once Toi made me laugh bila dia wat lawak. Actually it wasn't so much lawak dia yang kata boyfriend Kutip, kamera lagi satu, si Pungut da lari ada awek lain bernama Nikon.

The fun part was watching si bung Ramli tengah minum, sembur segala terlepas gelak tak tahan. Heh.. I had the same reaction too when I saw that.

Sabar bung! Say it dn't spray it!

Syafie's class. Damn.. Toi is beating his own record. He CAN actually sound more horrible! Closest to him would be Stanly who was supposed to be singing one song, but sounded if he was singing another altogether.

The part yang more interesting was Nadia and Riz sembang. Nadia nak ikut cakap Kutip mintak maap, but Riz insist tak wat salah. The girl is not learning anything good there. Entahlah... da ngumpat ngaku jerk la.

It's still a joke to them?

Riz leh pretend nothing happened. Nadia continue kata feel guilty nak mintak maap kat 'kedua orang' meaning Mariam dan Shafiq yang Riz dok carut ngan meka semalam.

Next scene si Nubhan sentap lak ngan Toi. Ngada tol la bebudak ni. Anyway.. I know most of their tricks is to try and communicate secara berahsia sebab nak elak camera.

I wish the production would really show who some of these kids are. I know the footage they have, and bahasa kesat digunakan, serta kata kata mengutuk dan mengumpat tak hengat. Tapi biasalah... ada peminat selagi tak tengok bukti tak caya kan. Lantak la. Hari ni tak caya, esok lusa tau la kang.

Back to Riz and Nadia, Nadia rasa bersalah. But Riz rasa lantak la kalao orang tanak kawan pun. Kutip elak cakap ngan Nadia when she tried. Riz lak try but Kutip hanya kata sakit telinga dengar suara.

Both of them were ignored.

But I guess both of them thought it was cool and laughed.

I just wish I could tell what happened.... but aku diam jerk la, Malas. Bukan orang caya pon.
Diari kedua pelik. Ala 28 days later jerk. Bersepah Akademi. Motif?

28 Days Later or I Am Legend?

Riz majuk kata rasa nak tarik diri... oh really?

Back to the sepah scene. Bebudak start kemas semua and found a letter on the fridge I think. Everyone kept quiet but muka yang bersalah nampak.

Sempat ada scene lawak ith Nubhan nak betulkan rambut dia tak habis habis. Erm..
Back to the drama.

Nadia and Riz sambung sembang discuss the sesi ngumpat. Bila keluar bab baju Shafiq, gila glamour and all... brani lak cakap terang-terang kan suddenly.

Sambung cerita, Riz ngadu kat Toi.

At least Toi had the maturity to advice. Nak harap orang tuh pikir sendiri... haram.

Anyway in Umi's class, have to salute Stacy. Detached from the drama.

Dalam kelas however, aku perasan Nadia yang takde mood. Dok diam jer. Nak wat camna. Angkara orang lain... ko lak kena tempias...aduh...

Dan dan jerk... Toi kena marah sebab tak perform masa meka wat sesi lakonan.

Dalam kelas Siti Hajar lak, Stanly and Toi lagik sekali performed wonderfully! For those yang mungkin tak paham, obviously aku sarcastic.

Riz and Nadia did way better in their Endless Love.

Tengah kelas Siti Hajar, suddenly Ramli tanya pasal notice and asked what's going on. Nadia terus panik. Tahan nak nangis. Riz moka da sentap again.

Mealtime, Ramli nampak cam storm brewing jer.

But he said nothing.

My take on the whole issue?
Yes, Nadia ada salah. Salah sebab orang mengumpat, dia nak tambah perencah. Salah sebab percaya pada someone yang lebih tua, patutnya lebih mature, lebih focused. Kesalahan Nadia masa rasa bersalah, tak mencari jalan dan usahakan nak settle things on her own, dan bergantung pada orang sama yang ego yang tetap mengatakan meka tak buat salah, or that dia tak heran kalao orang nak pulau skalipun.

That is Nadia's weakness. Her age shines through, and unfortunately she gets dragged down by someone else's major character flaws.

Tapi tak sesuai dia kena kutuk pasal benda ni sebab aku nampak dia memang usaha nak minta maap and all... well at least she felt guilty.

Riz? I've given up on his character a long time. He will never change. But then again some fans insist why should he... well simply because he needs a whole new attitude kalao nak make it in this business.

Unfortunately for him, dah la dia sendiri keras pala, angkuh dan mempunyai attitude yang melebihi bakat... the worse thing is he has fans yang blind themselves dan puji jerk segala dia lakukan.

Sampai nak carut katakan Shafiq yang bersalah la.. Mariam yang bersalah... Sarimah yang bersalah. Everyone but their Riz. Well.. at least we know birds of a feather flock together.
Taksub menyokong sampai yang salah pun dikatakan betul. I guess that's what people mean kalao kata bila da suka, yang busuk pun leh jadik wangi; Yang busuk hati orang yang nampak the truth.

Penting ke soal drama ni?

Well, I hate the kenen part, but drama camni, for me is still part of their development process where they have to learn nak buang sifat berlagak, atau besar pala. Trust me.. more problems akan muncul bila keuar kang... too bad la. No one killed their careers off. They did it very well on their own. Sapa tak pandai nak pikirkan benda ni semua and the effect in the long run... nasiblah.

Aku sarankan pada production tunjuk la footage penuh seorang pelajar kurang ajar, yang menggunakan perkataan kesat dalam Akademi pada ramai di kelilng. Show what this kid is capable of... and then tengok kalao public masih leh accept. Tak guna tunjuk sikit jerk and then orang kata manipulasi footage lak. I know of what's been going on and how upset the production are at ONE student yang memang tak sedar diri.

Kalau nak tahu, antara punca, sebab budak tuh siap kuar senarai mintak barangan keperluan, which is standard... tapi mintak yang bukan bukan. Biasalah, bila dapat barang free demand macam macam. Bila tak dapat, tuh yang start kutuk. Tapi kutuk lak orang yang tugas menyampaikan senarai tuh... padahal production yang akan okay the list which is verified perlu atau tidak sesuatu tu yang diminta.

Panjang nak cita kongsi apa berlaku sebalik tabir.. tapi tak perlu la. The truth will be known eventually. kita tengok sapa malu kang.

At the end of the day.. it's so true of the saying that goes, kerana mulut badan binasa.