Sunday, May 11, 2008

He sucks, they suck... IT sucks!

I am really starting to get tired with everything. Yes, you guys probably know by now that Nadia came in last yesterday night, but was lucky that there was no elimination.

Nubhan came in first, while Stanly dan Toi masih selamat.

The trio of hopeless names satu hal..but just what the hell is wrong with the eighth concert??? All the shouting, screaming and freaking lame jokes. And dare we mention forgetting the students are the star of the show ngan nak enter frame at every opportunity? Argh! You know who I'm talking about. Entah lah.. malas carut. Carut pun nampak improvement nan ado, pastuh semakin menjadi after that.

I suppose ignorance is bliss, but I think Astro lain kali pikir ler elok elok sikit sebelom wat keputusan.

Dah ler.. nak finish the review as fast as I can. Malas sebenarnya because I think it's all going downhill. So I'm going to go smiley again this time. Malas nak rating cam biasa, so I'll let my emotions shine through the more positive smiley! Ok ok.. so I can't resist it.. we also have the regular ratings.

Sembunyi & Ada Apa Dengan Cinta
Ok, someone explain to me their dance moves at the start please. Maybe it's so avant garde I don't quite get them, tapi perhal menggeliat semacam tuh.

Anyway, starting out on Sembunyi, Stacy did well.
The moment Nubhan masuk ngan sora menggigil masuk jer, rasa nak montah.
What is he still doing in?

The masuk Riz, making it slightly better, without the other boys in the mix.
Nadia was confident as well, but I think in some parts she overdid her body language.

Masuk Ada Apa Dengan Cinta, Stacy did well enough to emote the song, tapi bila Stanly menjerit his part tuh, da berdarah da telinga.

In fact everytime he was in the song, it just sounded so freaking constipated! Dia nih memang takleh la jadik penyanyi. Wouldn't even pick him for a karaoke participant because he's not even good enough for that.

Then there's Toi... which we have no clue to why he's still there.

Anyway, anyone else notice that Toi and Nubhan were just hopelessly off in backing and just looked plain stupid standing in their spots? Takde dua ekor tuh pun takpe. Let's get Stanly out, and Stacy, Nadia and Riz would have sounded so much better as a trio.

Despite it all.. found it utterly boring.
Rating :

Verdict : What were they thinking... and someone please tell Stanly shouting is not singing.

Syurga Di Telapak Kaki Ibu
Walaupun ni bukan competition song, but I think that the whole thing was touching and one of the few highlights of the show. Only thing that spoilt it for me was the scenes of Stanly and his mom yang recycle dari arituh. Elok la undi simpati lagi.

Honestly, I don't mean to be heartless, but do you need to be in that situation to win a competition nowadays. Again.. very the Bersamamu or whatever the name of the program is.

Honestly this competition is starting to turn into a charity fund raiser for non talented freaks.
Sigh... still seb baik aku try ignore everything unnecessary and focus on kak Aishah.

By the way, shouldn't that have buat kejutan bawak mak Stacy nih? Stupid.... really stupid of them.
Rating :

Verdict : Sedih tol bila show selingan lagik meletop... (Happy Mother's Day, mommy!)

Kasih Berduka
Persembahan taraf penyanyi kenduri kahwin. Sesuai la celah menyanyi ada lak tokei fun fair yang menjerit.

Not worth reviewing.. but like I'd pass up on the chance to b***h!

And what's with the rrrrrrrr...yiiihhhhhh kat tengah tuh. Argh!!!

Forget what I said about him being layak for only Raja Lawak. Camni bukan je Raja Lawak tak layak, apa lagik Akademi Fantasia.. nak masuk Tekaria ke Sendaloka Bersama Singer pun pikir berpuluh kali.


You can't sing, or dance and the only thing you have is some idiot repeatedly reminding us you won two gold medals for playing angklung.

Crap! Siapa nak puji dia lebih better, walau dok Akademi sampai kiamat pun tak mampu dia pun nak even come close to Nadia, Stacy or Riz.

Rating :

Verdict : Your dentist misses you!... we won't!

Loved the voice and the performance, But hated the body language. Pergerakan pentas dia kena lebih elok, jangan la nampak cam mabuk laut sangat.

But apart from that, in a competition filled with the most horrendous discoveries in Akademi Fantasia history, Nadia was miles better than any of the others. One of the highlights of the night.. plus she did justice to a song I used to hear on a regular basis.

Emo wo!!!

Aku nak dia nyanyi lagu Garasi. I think that's a suitable sound for her.
Rating :

Verdict : Rock chick in the making!

Naluri Lelaki
Lawak bangang... lagu ni memang macam rutin badut gila.

Tetap pose dan gelek ala go go Patpong. Damn.. felt like I watching a drag show cum stripper, ngan sora cam lembu kena sembelih.

What's with the, "Naluri ku sebagai lelaki... membuat kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." (high pitch nih sambil pose feeling Mariah Carey).

Sapa tak dengar dia hancurkan lagu nih really has to hear someone who can sing deliver this song.

Pathetic. Go home, hobbit!

Pening aku ngan OWWHHHHHH... HEYYYYYY... and his endless shouting. Cam orang kena buasir meneran. Elok la.. bunyi cam tagline dia.. BUASIIIRRR!!!!
Rating :

Verdict : It's a joke, right??? You mean he REALLY thinks he can sing?

Laskar Cinta
Kang aku review bebetul ada yang ngamuk agik kata aku bias ngan Riz. Honeslty in a nutshell, sumbang from start to end, and without any understanding of the song.

Tahap cam Toi dah, and sadly enough, for someone yang consistently in the top three in terms of quality performance, this week was a total turnabout and was the worst for the night and also his personal worst.

Oh well.. put it this way. Buat elok elok pon undian camtuh jerk kan. Baik jadik cam Toi dan Stanly, kalao hancur pun undian masuk. Apa risau kan...

But for Riz, he better make sure this is a one off and give a performance to comeback with next week, not for the sake of competition, but for the sake of credibiity.

Cukup la ada yang cam Toi, Nubhan dan Stanly.

He also needs to appreciate music more no matter the genre, sebab kalao this is not his thing pun, takde alasan nak sumbang.

Oh well...
Rating :

Verdict : His worst.. but hopefully the last time he comes up with this kind of performance.

Hanya Kau Yang Mampu
Honestly. There are a lot of horny women (and probably men too), who are voting based on their hormones rather than his singing ability.

He was off so many times, but biasalah kalao ada yang merembes mesti wat alasan sejuta nak kata tone sedap (tuh jer modal sebenar pun..................... waaaaalaaaauuupuuuunnnn......).

Malas nak elaborate further, layan sendiri lagu kat sebelah. Pay attention to the melody or lack of it), kesemputan dak cenggeng botak nih, as well as how he ended up shouting on so many parts. And oh.. tempo? Biasalah.. Flat takyah sebut la.. malas.

Horrible! Strong song, lousy choice of person singing it. Riz mesti sentap dia tak dapat lagu nih, because he could have won some points with this tune.
Rating :

Verdict : Nangis ok sebab ramai pekak tiba tiba kata bagus!

Gembira Hidup Ini

Seb baik budak tuh bagus, kalao tak, ngan emo harus la dak tuh affected lak performance dia.
But that's why Stacy rocked all the more!

Walaupon kejutan tak bertempat, baju macam outfit minah jalan jalan kat Centrepoint in Kota Kinabalu (macam kat Phillippines market pun ada) and berbekal lagu yang takyah aku komen lebih, paham sendiri..., Stacy still did well enough to come up with the best show of the night.
Rating :

Verdict : Hope she keeps it up. The best student undoubtedly...

Tak Tahu Antara Dua & Paling Comel
I hate both the songs in this medley, and I hate the performances of ALL the kids in Tak Tahu Antara Dua. Toi again nampak cam props, Stanly menjerit, Nubhan tetap bunyi semput, while even Nadia and Stacy had slips here there... kira Riz je did his part ok.

Paling Comel they all did slightly better. but.. entahlah... pening.
Rating :

Verdict : Pening laaa show lagu camni!!! Pelik kenapa Riz tak ngamuk pasal kena nyanyi about bola bola api but can bising pasal Laskar Cinta...

I have a suspicion no one really cares about Menuju Puncak anymore sebab orang tak sabar nak tengok elimination badut badut.

The non elimination? Buang masa.

Tau lah underrun, and show abih cepat. Tapi nak buy time, not by wasting it. Oh well... were you expecting miracles?

Gimik murahan betul ngan sebut nama Toi. Just exposes the truth sapa orang tak minat.
So what happens next week. Simple. Actually in my column last Friday aku da predict either konsert kelapan ke kesembilan takkan ada elimination pon.

So now that it's konsert kelapan free of elimination (supposed konsert ketujuh but meka amik kesempatan buang Alif.. oops.. terlebih sudah), konsert kesembilan lak?

Well, put it this way.

Kalao meka tak eliminate, enam orang ke final.

Kalao eliminate one, five ler, kalao dua, four, and maximum meka akan berani is buang tiga, for top three in the final.

Abang Ramli da kata dia tanak bawak sesapa masuk, so the figure will depend on the number of people kicked out.

Which will it be? Six? Bodoh la kalao buat enam. Sebab bukan jerk bukan kesemua enam berkualiti, it will make konsert Akademi Fantasia kesembilan busuk and very boring.
Kalao lima? Biasa jerk, and no surprise gak.

Kalao buang dua, for top four, this is where it gets interesting. Chances are, based in voting trends, favourites in Riz and Nadia especially may not make it, dan ada yang tahap sampah lak dapat masuk. And same applies kalao Astro berani nak buang tiga for top three final.

Extreme? Well, put it this way, kalao Stanly and Toi make it to the final, nama Akademi Fantasia yang selama ni terguris ngan champieng yang tak laku and dropping standards, will be relegated even lower.

In other words, musim ketujuh memang akan tahap hina la dari segi kepercayaan peminat da takde kalao stok camni leh make it that far.

So Astro has to minimise damage. If they allow more than one of these freaks in, nasib meka la. Nak sangat kan jana undi with triggers and such.

Elok la.. strategi makan diri, last last yang tak berkualiti masuk and then, jatuh merudum standards.

Oh well.. at least I get to have a one on one with Marie Digby tomorrow! Wait for that blog exclusive! Pictures and videos.. the first before her public appearance and performance on Wednesday at 1 Utama.