Saturday, December 06, 2008

What can I say...

So the results of the Balada punya separuh akhir has been announced.

What more can I say.

I left Sri Pentas 2 a little bitter over the selections.

Aku sebelum ni ada katakan, I didn't really mind who qualified, as most of the songs were really good.

I retract that statement.

The result semalam was bullshit. Plainly, short and sweet... merepek tol keputusan untuk separuh akhir Balada Muzik-Muzik kali nih.

I'd already guessed at least one of Audi's songs would get in. Both, Sampai Syurga dan Cuba layak, which is fine by me, because memang they're among the strongest in the competition. So no argument there. Walaupun ada yang katakan takyah la bagi dua lagu masuk.. satu da cukup, I disagree with that strongly sebab tuk aku, ni competition for compositions.. da kalao lagu bagus, masuk keduanya pon apa salah? Da tu yang antara terbaik. Both songs were fresh, different from the current crop and encompassed everything about a good song, from the structure of the composition to the lyrics.

Lagu Aizat, Lagu Kita was deserving too. I say that sebab tuk aku, Aizat ni wakil one of the new generation of songwriters and composers yang deserve to be noted. Lagu Kita is a breath of fresh air, and memang layak pun, no matter what anyone says.

But how about the other two songs yang layak ke Anugerah Juara Lagu?

First of all, Bila Nak Saksi. Nothing personal against Spider, but this is NOT one of their best songs. It's a weak tune compared ngan lagu lagu lain. Leh anggap lemau kalao banding ngan lagu lagu yang lain. Honestly.... I know Spider are favourites with the Anugerah Juara Lagu series, but this is ridiculous. Lagu ni dated nak mampos.. ketinggalan zaman and there is absolutely nothing great about this song to justify it being selected for the final.

Kalao lagu Mabuk tuk kategori Pop Rock aku anggap kuat, Bila Nak Saksi dalam kategori Balada is so salah! Lom masuk kategori Pop Rock pon ada yang mabuk da nak select lagu ni tu represent kategori Balada.

And the final song yang layak, which is the first song called and the most controversial for a lot of people out there. Lagu Aubrey Suwito, dengan lirik dari Habsah Hassan, Hanya Di Mercu yang dinyanyikan Ayu.

All I can say is... what the #$%^&*???!!!!

Spekulasi mengatakan pihak penganjur meletakkan lagu ni dalam final tuk promosi Ayu yang nan ado.

Ayu is a sweet girl with potential. But this song does NOT deserve to be in, just like Bila Nak Saksi.

I mean, are you seriously saying these two songs are better than Teman Terulung, Dingin and Cinta Terhalang among so many of the better songs performed malam semalam?

Honestly... how do some people sleep at night. Busuk tau camni....

Kalau sebelum ni aku katakan kategori Balada akan hasilkan juara for this event, skang nampak goyah sebab this is not the best representation of the ballads.

But you know what.. ni event orang. So suka hati la meka nak pilih sapa. The public knows what's actually better... so it just looks $%^& pathetic for selections to end up like this.

From the entry of lagu Tanpa dari 6ixth Sense which is so salah (sebab patut Pop Rock tuh), to the mic glitches like with Ziana's performance... the competition is by year, becoming irrelavant.

There was a glimmer of hope when Itu Kamu won... but now all that seems to be fading.

At the end of the day, it's true what has always been whispered backstage. Tengok je juri sapa. Orang leh tangkap apa personal preference meka and from there guess whether the results are going to be good or not.

Thank you to Johan Nawawi, Adam Salleh, Yasin Sulaiman, Amran Omar, Fauzi Marzuki and Azhar Borhan for the results. Semua memang hebat... just I think that so many people forget the relevancy of what makes a good composition is also the freshness of a tune - especially when a category cam Balada ni banyak sangat yang strong and IT DOES boil down to approach and direction of the song in terms of freshness.

You reap what you sow... so this year's Anugerah Juara Lagu is going to be SO exciting (note the sarcasm)

Dah... apapon... thank you to production TV3, korang memang besh (the production memang besh pon... and they have nothing to do with the results) So to kak Kelly, kak Huda, Boboy... and all you people yang aku tak sempat list hingga ke Mommeh yang hostess with the mostest gituh, thank you for making it memorable for the RIGHT reasons.

Now on to the pics... none of performance. Backstage and before and after event je.

Pria terhebat aka penjantan tangguh - from left - Aizat, Adi, Gjie, Ayooi, Sarol and Faizal

Production family

Akak security, kak Habsah tak silap nama dia.. lama kenal da. Lama wo khidmat ngan TV3

Atan dan Wan 6ixth Sense lepaking

The crowd lining up...

...all the way out

Kak Kelly demonstrates how to have a cuppa the right way with pinky entended

Like... whateverrrrr... Cheryl goes Valley Girl in this pose

Ni bukan pesen Feminin ok. Ni Dina tengah siap.

Shorts and Crocs. Dafi channels my lazy fashion sense. Heh!

Aizat!!! Shading kurang sket! Heh!

Kak Ziana undergoing the transformation to a glossier diva

Adi 6ixth Sense... new hair

Alamak.. Joe amik pic... pecah lobang tak wat pe pe

Cover line semua wat keja sat

Selipar jamban is so salah.. heh

Bang Nuar getting ready relaxed je

Syuib manager Bob multi tasking ok!

The best vocals of the night Bob, Ziana Zain and Anuar Zain (Dina pon patut)

Aku ngan bapak jin dan raja toyol Ramli MS

Aizat and Faizal... something so wrong with this pose la Superman

That's better! The two WORTHY contenders for Anugerah Juara Lagu

Nih apa lak nih

The last pic actually pas kami ke Pelita as usual. Ngan Bob, bebudak 6ixth Sense and our 'families and friend' (cam promosi DiGi lak). I think there were about thirty of us in total.

It had been a good night, though not the ending we hoped for... tapi takpe. Rezeki kat mana-mana... so what to do lor.

Apapon, congrats to Aizat on Lagu Kita and Audi Mok and Faizal Tahir for Sampai Syurga and Cuba.

Lain? Takyah la...


nk Bang Nuar ngan bob gak masuk final..

aku pernah ckp kat member aku be4 semi final balada yg lagu bob kompem masuk nye..but now..

romi.. standard la tuh. apa kita sangka, confirm meka takkan pilih. unless orang tu penah menang OIAM kot. huahuahua

TV3 kena tukar AJL jadi Anugerah Juara Lagu Media Prima.. baru betol kot..

Was hoping Teman Terulung, Dingin, Sejauh Ini & Cinta Terhalang ke pentas AJL.. Those songs very good n they did a great perfomance dat nite..

Tapi at last.. nan ado..satu pon tak sangkot.. tak cukup ballad gamaknya lagu2 tu..

no komen! huahuahua. but i think some people will nod in agreement.

teman terulung final thank god dia tak masuk lagu tu BOSAN nak MAMPOS

Semua lagu layak KECUALI lagu SPIDER .... lagu Hanya Di Mercu masih kuat dari segi lirik dan melodi ala ala "flat" lepas rangkap 1 .. tu kira layak TAPIIIII lagu spider sangatlah jauh dari BALADA ... sekali lagi BALADA ... ya ampunnnnn

Joe, aku keciwa lagu Anuar Zain tak dapat masuk sebab Anuar Zain nyanyi lagu dia dengan penuh perasaan dan aku tak paham kenapa lagu Ayu yang flat dan membosankan tu boleh jadi lebih baik daripada lagu Anuar Zain tu... Tolonggglahhhh...