Friday, May 26, 2006

Caramu...dan caranya berbeza...

Sorry ler guys kerana tak posting untuk beberapa hari ni. I've been really bogged down with work and various commitments. Lagikpun, aku lum kena bahang Akademi Fantasia, so cam tak semangat sebenarnya nak posting apa lelebih sangat pasal musim ni.

Maybe after Konsert Prelude Ahad ni, I'll change my mind, but until then, I still think this is pretty much the least promising lot. Well...judging by what I see lah so far kan.
So sebelum apa-apa, just a quick recap of my week.

Last Friday, paper aku kembali di relaunch ngan new look. Yeah...we're back bigger than ever. means back to the nose to the grindstone routine etc.

Apapun, hope you guys checked out the new Malay Mail dah cause it is definitely more colourful. And for those yang kerap follow column aku (you know which one - kalau tatau takyah ler tanya ek), it's no longer on Monday, but on Thursday.

Ni because kalau dulu Buzz, the entertainment pullout was daily, this time around it's only on Thursdays disebabkan they've introduced more lifestyle based pullouts daily. from next week sebab nak bagi column tuh new look tunggu!!!

The relaunch itself was fun! We had it as the KL Convention Centre. Nak ucap tima kasih ler bebanyak kat Freddie Fernandez, keluarga Maestro sebab sudi tunaikan permintaan aku tuk keluarga Akademi Fantasia menghadirkan diri.

Thanks ler so much to the ladies, Akma, well as the gents in bro Zahid, Mawi, Sahri kerana sudi ler memeriahkan majlis. Yanie pun mai ngan auntie Stella, mak Ning. Nikki sibuk ngan album launch dia kat Sabah manakala si Ning tengah soundcheck lak tuk show malam tuh.

Still terima kasih ler bebanyak semua yang hadir...kak Deja Moss and all.

Apapun, untuk mereka yang masih menghargai bakat-bakat daripada Akademi Fantasia, and not just preoccupied with yang akan datang, ni some of the pics of them on last Friday tuh.

Wokei....this bit is cool! The best guests for the evening were of course, Joey G..and oh...JP too dari Channel [V] (Bid It! and Popparazzi). It was extra cool that they were there because they were the first edition punya cover story for our entertainment section.

So kalao ada yang minat Joey...and ehm...JP, here are some pics of them, promoting themselves and of course, The Malay Mail. (Think Joey looks cute like Shane from Westlife - and nuts to whoever likes them cause both pun married da!)

So after the event, pegi lepak KLCC with Halim, Sangheetha and partner as well as Dawn nak tengok wayang. Lepak abih pekena kopi sat, then went to watch Over The Hedge. It was absolutely hilarious!

As animated movies go, this one had everything too. Definitely a must watch in my books!

Now let's see. The weekend wasn't that eventful, but quite restful. Which I think I'm definitely going to need because suddenly, in the rush to prove something (though I haven't quite figured out what) before my birthday where I won't be celebrating turning the big 3-0...I seem to have a lot of stuff lined up.

This week itself memang taken up gila babas....and aku sampai takde masa nak ikut Nota Prelude. Even Tirai Akademi Fantasia pun aku tak sempat menonton, but then again, usually, I don't think I'd miss much because the programmes are usually more the direction of what programming wants us to believe about the kids.

So, when I watch Konsert Prelude ahad ni, I will definitely be watching in totally free of bias. Erm...tau ler sudah ada cheerleaders untuk Didi in head cheerleader, choreographer cheerleader and pom pom specialist (merasalah DAZZLING katanya...), but I don't really fancy him, unless something changes my mind later.

At the moment, kalau dulu I supported the M&M movement (Mawi dan Marsha ler) I think this year, I'm going for the F&F!!! Faizal and Farhan!

But apapun, semua akan terbukti dalam Konsert Prelude.

On Tuesday, aku singgah ke Akademi di lokasi konon rahsia untuk membuat laporan tuk paper.

Sesiapa yang baca The Malay Mail, you would have seen the story on mananya lokasi Akademi kali ini di Shah Alam, iaitu dengan menggunakan gudang yang lama dah dikosongkan. Ni beberapa gambar yang ada dikeluarkan dalam The Malay Mail. By the way, masa aku lalu awal pagi, signboard besau Akademi Fantasia da naik. Tapi petang tengok meka cover lak dah. So dalam gambar tak nampak signboard ler...tapi at least sah tau tempat dah. Merasalah...kalau nak info paling upated dan review yang pedas....apa agik...pick up ler The Malay Mail (promo...jangan tak promo!)

There are a lot of things I've been hearing ler about bebudak baru nih, so a simple glance through would be easier ler kan.

*Yang berpunya sudah termasuk Didi, Leez, Amirul (sendiri ngaku masa jumpa), Jeff (carik ler online...ada info), Tasha (sapa tatau dia kan awek Aqasha...carik ler bukti sendiri online). Yang lelain tarak info kukuh so no comment.
*Dengar khabar si Salima ni tak bertudung sebelum Akademi Fantasia. Entahler bila dia kenakan no komen kecuali ada info kukuh.
*Haider ni...erm...korek ler info pasal tahun lepas. Banyak gak story...
*Shaz adik-adik...pepaham ler sendiri

Banyak lagik sebenarnya...but who knows where the truth lies. Jangan nanti esok star baru melenting kena korek abih private. Dah tau awal-awal itu syarat nak glamer...tak suka baik quit skang. No one forced you into picking up the phone...or going for the auditions (pinjam P. Diddy punya line dari Making The Band 3) tima ajalah ek kang...

By the way...I hate all this sentiments thing going into the choice of candidates. Memang ler duit korang...tapi pepandai ler sikit memilih. Contoh, Salima...ramai suka hanya sebab bukan competition cam Pengaca Jemputan Nona laa...korang ni. Ni Akademi Fantasia....

Ada ler someone ni (malas sebut nama) yang sebut-sebutkan pasal Zila ni dari Felda. Bukan tak berhati perut dia datang dari keluarga susah...tapi untuk aku semua itu tak patut diamik kira.

Judge them by their talent. Kalau tadi aku kata ini bukan Pengacara Jemputan Nona...pada masa yang sama, Akademi Fantasia juga bukan program Bersamamu!

Tak paham-paham konsep ke???

Aiyo...seriously...bab aku sokong? Erm...selain F&F aku da pun nyatakan sokongan aku untuk sapa berdasarkan kritiria vocal, personality and commercial package (in that order).

Apapun, let's hope the worthy ones get in.

Miracles do happen and the good do get through. Cam tengok American Idol semalam.Puas ati Taylor Hicks menang. Go soul patrol! Kowser Katherina McFarter...McPheever konon...ptoiii (lodah sikit). The same ones yang sibuk pasal charity in talent competitions ni ler yang sibuk sokong dia...seriously...

Again Mandeesa, Paris and Chris...McPhee tuh bosan nak mampos. Nyanyi sumbang mahram. Thank God Taylor won.

By the way...last bit of addition to this entry. Look out for the Caramu music video soon. Meletop!

It's a dance video so memang tight and punchy gila. So keep voting for the song on all radio stations ek. ERA dah naik lagu tu ke No. 3 setelah sembilan minggu dalam carta!!!

Si Nikki shooting tuk video tu on Wednesday. Si Zahid ada sekali. Adoi...kesian Zahid ilang wallet dari malam sebelum tuh kat event Karyawan kat Dewan Felda. And just found out mama dan papa dia dah pindah balik ke Teluk intan lor....mama....papa...tak bagitau kita pun...sedih....uwarghhh!!!

Erm...esoknya, shooting untuk single seterusnya pun dijalankan, iaitu untuk music video Imaginasi.

Keep an eye out for the video ler...

Ok ler...nak ciao. Ada keja lagik nak abihkan...sebelum the weekend. Tuh pun dapat relax only on Saturday. Sunday dah posting soon.

By the way, on Sunday night (or early Monday morning) look out for my review and comments on Konsert Prelude. Ada apa-apa yang hangat aku postkan on the spot lak keep checking for updates...