Monday, March 04, 2013

Wall of heroes

These are the eight, brave, heroic men who have been killed in defending our country from the bogus Sultan and his bunch of barbaric bastards.

The two on the lower row died in Lahad Datu, and the six were killed in Semporna. 

These men will not have died in vain. We celebrate their name, and cry the tears shared with their families and loved ones in their passing.

Semoga mereka semua ditempatkan dikalangan mereka yang beriman. 

May God bless their souls. 

Am seriously messed up right now thinking how in this day and age, some people can still justify such barbaric actions to storm the homes of others and think they're in a lawless land to demand what they want out of greed.

The Kirams can haul their asses back to wherever they came from. You do not belong in Sabah. Sabah will never belong to you.

Whatever claims you have - if you had even an iota of a chance - you would have gone to the International Court of Justice instead of turning your back on the elected governments of two countries in your desperate greed!

Praise the Lord that Philippine President Benigno Aquino and Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and their respective governments have come out in condemnation of this stupidity.

Am just so angry those barbarians are saying it's about pride and it's a do or die situation.

As mush as I hate violence, maybe death is the best option if they really think that way.

Sabah belongs to the people. And the people don't want them. They are part of Malaysia. 

WE are Malaysia. 


May God protect us.