Saturday, October 04, 2008

Fire and water

Rajin lak aku kan tetiba nak blog lagik pagi ni. Short entry je. Pagik tadik tengah balik dari KL about 7am, ujan masih lagi lebat. Been raining since about half past four gituh. Caught some sleep.
But when I was heading home, still quite heavy.

Enjoyed a nice drive around quite empty KL. The only way to enjoy driving in KL... and the only time to.

Noticed some dark storm clouds. Not too unusual, except these were like isolated, and quite dark. Then realised. It was smoke clouds!

Masa tu area Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. There were large billowing smoke clouds. Saja nak amik pic, tapi cam aku tak bawak. Damn! Pastu Nokia aku lak habih battery. So 8.0MP digital camera da takde, 5.0MP Nokia phone conked out, kena la pakai 2.0MP Motorola nak snappy pic.

Dari jauh - from belakang Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad

Turning into Jalan Masjid India area

View a few hundred metres from the shop in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman

Just a little closer

They cordoned off the area, so tak nampak kedai mana yang terbakar tuh. So tatau kedai mana la. Sambil nak gerak balik, noticed something else.

Thanks to the heavy rain, Sungai Gombak dan Sungai Klang da nak melimpah ruah gituh. Check out the river. Ni masih during the downpour! Merasalah KL seb baik tak banjir! Ada la yang wat alasan stay kampung beraya lama sikit kan, katanya...

Panggung Bandaraya - leh nampak asap pon sikit

Masjid Jamek. Still safe from the rising waters

Facing direction of Central Market. Sikit lagik air da naik edge of Masjid Jamek

But I saw one thing that brought a smile to my face when I was heading back (despite being pissed that didn't have a good cam on me when I needed one)
Can you see it? It was clearer when i saw it. But it doesn't show too much in this pic. Still, focus... and make a wish.

Be posting more soon. Need to get my Heroes review out already!


beb ... yg terbakor tu kedai karpet. masuk buletin 1.30 tadi...3-4 juta gak tokei kedai tu rugi. *leh claim insurans* :D

apsal aku cam rasa tokey kedai tuh bako kedai dia sendiri sebab nak klem insuran erk??jahat la aku...ahakz

yap! klem insuran! boley dterima alasan tuh..

bro..rainbow ye yg pic last tuh?

ayooo! laporan bomba kah?

btw, SHRAfmZB bro! produksi bila nk start?

hi bro :)

Actually i da lama ikut blog u ni..dr yg lama sampai la yg baru ni..bole sasau la kalo tk visit page ni.. :p
no wonder la u jd reporter..whatever it of luck ya joe..

Cik Nad

korang ni speku kuat la. muahahaha.. rad about it in the papers too!

ajami me nort sure.

nad, thanks so much for the compliments. terharu aku!

wah..ak br pasan rainbow 2 je..btw nant sile la lwt blog ak ye..

came across this blog.. so feminine and yet so gay.. from: Batman bin Suparman