Saturday, June 21, 2008

Erm.. erm.. erm...

Ari ni semua bersepah. Stacy da balik Kota Kinabalu. Si Bob ada show kat Miri. Juan tidur mati (heh.. lari topik), Alif dan Faisal kuar ngan geng meka.

Aku lak ada engagement gituh. Gi ke bloggers' gathering for the Nuffnang Wild Live event.

Sentap ok!

Firstly ingat nak wat special effects make up (with prosthetics and all) nak jadik rupa cam binatang (I know some people yang naturally don't need that to appear like that) but bebudak aku semua sibuk.

So last minute rushed and got a costume rental yang murah and besh.

Tapi yang tak besh, I went as a gorilla, tapi ada FOUR damn gorillas sekali sana. Mencik! Tapi ramai kata aku nya the best. Gituh!

Sentap sikit masa meka umum top three finalists for best dressed male and female, my name wasn't called. A couple of people came up to me and said I should have been in. I just shrugged. Nak wat camna kan?

But I think I deserved an award that night. Perhaps most photographed without anyone knowing which blogger was in the suit?

Not to mention people kept playing with the nipples on my suit. Obscene gila! Here some pics. Thanks to Shaolin Tiger, Mikey Yip, Chee Hong, Soon Chuan and mrgin for these pics which I snagged from their blogs of me.

Letih bodoh! Pakai suit tu cam sauna! TIme berehat pun ada yang amik pic aku

I felt a little out of place, because most of the other bloggers were just from another realm altogether.

Oh well.. stil had fun with those that I knew. Just wish more friends were there.

Oh well. At least I have four movie tickets to my name thanks to the games.

Heh! Just slightly pissed that I missed out on the Dell. Da lah ada yang in the running hardly made an effort for their costume. Cipet tol. The next event I am so going to make sure I win!

But thanks Tim and Co. for the event. May there be many more to come!