Monday, June 02, 2008


Another long night semalam thinking of crap to put down on paper. Oh damn... I really hate paperwork. Honestly if I wanted to do this, I would have taken some sort of secretarial course to help me out. Bila la nak ada duit lebih nak upah orang wat keja camni. Matilah feeling nak dictate jer kan.

Before moving on... ni more pics of Stacy in Sabah over the weekend. This set thanks to Farid @ ciput. Tima kasih kerana email aku these pics.

Guys jangan pakai rembat jer tau kalao nak pakai... mintak izin and kredit Farid (selepas dapat kebenaran - aku leh bagi email dia kalao nak)

Macam Pocahontas

Senyum jerk keja... always ceria walaupun letih

Alamak.. terlebih sudah... (sapa mintak foundation lebih lak - matilah aku)


Moving on.. not much to write about today. Sebab semalaman pecah pala abihkan some creative writing needed. Unfortunately couldn't get very creative sebab otak jam. So petang pas tido jap (after swimming and melantak), dropped by Planet Hollywood tuk press conference Walls Cornetto yang nak announce concert pada 28hb ni kat Padang Merbok featuring Mawi, Dafi, Stacy dan Mila. Ada lagik kot performer tapi tak hengat.

Lepak ngan Mawi sat sebab lama tak jumpa, borak ngan abang Wan set meeting Rabu nih, then catch up with Stacy sat for updates.

Ni some pics from sesi photography meka. Please note kalao nak pakai any of these pics, asalkan kredit dan link my blog...ok, guys? Aku tanak watermark sebab nak bagik korang unobstructed pic, so hope korang appreciate and don't abuse gituh.

Mawi... tambah berisi...

Hai... bersiar siar ke kat KL petang petang?

Bak Stacy tuk show the sights and sounds of KL ke?

Asyik tunjuk tunjuk tuh, tunjuk apa?

Sampai bawah kat jalan pun tunjuk?

Stop pose sat

Tengok atas la pulak!

Hah! Pening la tuh nak cari mana agik nak snappy snappy!

Cam kumpulan pop lak...

Pose lagik..

dan lagik...

Terowong pun leh photo shoot!

dan lagik..

Try tanpa flash lak...
Mawi cam pemain bola time penalti lak

Wat per tuh Mawi... pecah perot dak tuh melawak!

One more... very the ceria!

Ni khas tuk peminat Stacy. Jangan lupa daftarkan diri di Stacy FC!

With flash tak cantik.. kasar sangat pics quality nih...

Tengah upload pics, imageshack wat hal lagik menguji kesabaran aku! But thank goodness sorted it out. Had dinner with the gang, si Mila kenit belanja. Tima kasih Mila... merasalah aku melantak suka suka kat izzi, then bila Mila offer nak belanja kuar duit Mila nak gak belanja. So sweet! Aduh...

Ni baru sampai rumah ni. Nak kuar supper lak pas mandi ni... more tomorrow guys...
Esok punya posting has something to do with Hannah Tan... and these. Figure out the connection!