Thursday, February 07, 2008


Happy new year to everyone from moi! Have a prosperous one guys, and I wish all of you the happiness, health and heartiness for the next year with loads of prosperity to boot ok!
Thanks to everyone who left their messages and greetings here, and also those who SMSed me and called. You guys rock! You are the reason why I blog - to now that I have an extended family in you guys, walaupun kita ramai lom jumpa.

Anyway, I came across my first rat of the year (and he is such a rat fink!) tapi malas carut sebab pantang tak elok nak carut time tahun baru nih!

Hah, nak tau pantang larang lain - ari ni jangan cuci rambut, jangan sapu rumah tau. Tu seolah buang 'ong'.

Kalau nak pas tengah malam masuk hari kedua leh! Heh... betol! Not made up ek.
Apa lagik ek? Banyak, but can't for the life of me recall any others. Erm... don't swear (shit!...oops!)

Jap jap... biar aku ingat the heritage of my culture gituh ek.

Semua alat nak bersihkan rumah cam penyapu, berus ke haper simpan! (time tu meka takde vaccum cleaner - merasalah pembersih hampagas - so dunno if that applies) Jangan wat aksi spring cleaning tau pada hari ni kalao tak seolah buang your luck away. Bukan tu je, tu seolah menamatkan hayat anggota salah seorang your family.
Yes, bacteria and dust mites are good for the 24 hours!
Kalao nak sapu ke apa, sapu ke tengah ruang tamu, then to a corner - jangan sapu kuar atau buang terus. Tunggu until the fifth day of the New Year, time tuh pun baru leh buang sampah ke apa.
Kalao da sapu benda tu ke satu sudut, jangan pijak - apart from having to wash your dusty feet, you might step in some crap - and oh, it's not lucky either.
When you do sweep, jangan sapu keluar rumah, or that's sweeping your luck away. Sapu ke arah dalam rumah, then pungut semua, when time nak buang, buang from your back door ek.

Semua hutang kena settle by this time tau, and jangan pinjamkan duit pada sesapa time ni. Like I said, no swearing dan elak guna nombor empat in your conversation sebab it sounds like, you know... ajal.

Soal nazak ke maut ke cita hantu semua takleh cita! Dan jangan sesekali nangis time Raya ni kalao tak ngundang airmata setahun!

Jangan basuh rambut ari ni dan pakai kalao leh warna merah. Jangan kaler itam ke apa.

Jangan tegur orang dalam bilik tidur (never understood that one), dan kalao leh dok ruang tamu je (seb baik aku pakai wireless dok rumah kat mana pun leh)

Jangan guna pisau ke gunting time ni or it cuts your fortune.

Aiyo... banyak lagik la.. tapi tuh je aku ingat.

Stakat pantang larang ikut kepercayaan, no harm. It's a cultural thing.

And by the way, pada sapa yang confuse, I do celebrate Chinese New Year.
I am a Chinese Christian, so Raya ni aku celebrate, as I do Christmas.

Ok la... tadik baru balik rumah pak long aku, ni nak sambung aktiviti kutip angpow. Hah! Selagik lum kawen, biar kertu mana pon aku leh dapat angpow tau!

Jadi sebab aku lom kahwin, you guys better not me for one! Heh! Have a good one guys, and be posting tomorrow!

Happy Chinese New Year... Kong Hee Fatt Choy... Gong Xi Fa Cai!