Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Full moon!

I posted a little early today sebab memula ingat nak update entry only later tonight! But certain developments have pushed me to update early today.

Has anyone else noticed it's the full moon the past couple of nights?

And of course, time nih, ramai yang get all weird!!!

And today just proved it.

First of all - aku bebetul upset ada memacam spekulasi beberapa orang pasal people I consider my friends.

My last entry, ngan gambar-gambar birthday party Sarimah di spekulasi oleh beberapa orang yang konon nya katakan seolah these pics sebab ada wine glass ada arak dan sebagainya semua... THIS IS NOT TRUE! Damn, people. Korang minat gossip sampai tahap orang da open korang nak hentam memacam gak ker. Matila kalao takde benda nak expose korang masih nak korek...

I am sorry to Sarimah especially, and Ning, as well as to Andrew and Omar.

I am NOT going to remove the pictures sebab nanti ada yang speku memacam yang burok lagik. I suppose, it's my fault sebab ingat some people could take things as it is. Instead, lupa lak dalam nak celebrate Sarimah dapat job hosting Diari Akademi Fantasia... celah celah ramai yang menyokong dia - ada gak yang busuk hati dan dengki nak jatuhkan dia ngan nak cari pasal kan!!!!

This is what I have to say, and I hope you guys (especially yang DENGKI tuh read it well)

The birthday party was a simple and personal affair. For no reason, I feel like I've betrayed the trust of many - by exposing them to such ridicule from these low lifes yang nak kutuk hina tanpa sebab.

The glass of wine in the picture - THAT WAS MINE! Puas? That's why it was IN FRONT of me when I leaned in to take a picture!

The whole joke about the Coke was about me. Or did you not get that aku saja nak cover I was drinking. Sheesh! Ni lah akibatnya kalao ketinggalan LRT ke, tak paham bahasa ke and pepandai nak judge orang. How dare you insinuate that Sarimah and Ning tak melakukan tugas sbagai isteri dan membimbing laki mereka! Damn...


I am non Muslim and there is nothing wrong with me drinking, nor is it a sin just because ada orang yang beragama Islam dok dekat ngan aku amik gambar. Don't read too much into something that is not there. Come on lah... korang ingat aku bodoh ke? Mesti ada yang kata aku nak cover line. Pernah tak terlintas kalao aku nak letak pic tuh - aku tak tengok dulu? Would I have put it there if yang busuk hati leh melalut? Kenapa nak hina orang yang takde kena mengena.

I am angry. Because ada yang sanggup tuduh memacam about my friends.

Upon seeing that - tetiba kata Andrew, husband Sarimah nampak mabuk! Korang ni kenapa??? Moka dia dan Sarimah tuh merah da memang omputeh m oka camtuh! PLUS meka baru balik Dubai! Did you know that? And kalao tak silap aku masa Sarimah got back dia ada bagitau aku dia ke India as well with FAMILY.

Just because there is one bad picture yang dia squinting korang jangan sangka burok je. I guess it's true and not even saying that Andrew wears contacts which makes him uncomfortable tuh will make you guys feel any different kan? Kenal dulu tengok meka camna baru nyesal korang tuduh dan fitnah kang!

But I suppose in a way this just proves that people only want to believe the worst!
I am writing this because at this point - I am so angry that I have been forthright and honest and masih ada yang nak carik pasal. Come on la guys... grow up!

Kalao ko antara yang komen sebegitu tanpa niat - I am sorry if I sound offensive - but I hope you guys realise yang what you're doing is providing a spark that could start a fire!

And pada yang ngan niat tuh - DAMN YOU! Jangan nak tabur pasir dalam periuk nasi orang tu.
To Sarimah, Ning, Andrew and Omar - if there are those who try and find fault with honest pics of just everyone goofing off... I am sorry sebab aku yang post kat sini and menjadi bahan to these idiots.

I meant no harm - and I would never do anything to hurt my friends.

Sheesh... unload sikit. Banyak sangat kejadian hari nih. I am really swamped with stuff, and then with all these drama of people nak wat FITNAH nih, aku panas sangat.

Anyway, here's a video of Sarimah I made AFTER the dinner - thanking semua yang menyokong dia. Hope you guys know the difference. And stop knocking laki dia Andrew. Judge by the video yourselves, ok. And Sarimah fans - keep fighting against those who want to put her down.