Friday, March 30, 2007

Red and blue

Does anyone ever question Astro for keeping the origin of the votes a a secret. Thanks to technology, Astro bukan tatau dari mana asal AFUNDI tuh semua. Yes, setiap musim, meka tau, how much each unique number votes, and you my dear friends yang SMS (aku stop dari musim ketiga), form part of these figures that they compile.

Now, soalan cepumas hari ni. Will Astro ever reveal how much is pumped in by the number of uniqe numbers? Hell no!!!

You think they care even if it all came from a handful? Janji masyuk kan.... plus... it would force others to vote more to get their favourites up there. Sad... but oh so true.

Oh believe you me....I'm all for democracy and putting the power in the hands of the people through expensive text voting (there's one born every minute, I say) tapi kan, aku rasa this is already ridiculous. Ini bukan agik soal siapa menjadi pilihan penonton, dan siapa yang paling mengerakkan hati peminat tuk spend their hzrd earned money for them.

And I think the AFUNDI shows it's pretty obvious. What can be done about this? Sadly enough.... nothing!

So what happens, I say give the 'voters' (walaopon tak genuine) what they want.

Yes, I thought so. But these figures prove something. No matter what orang nak cakap ler dengki ke busuk ati ke haper ke kita kerana nak mengkritik Akademi Fantasia, this season, the programme da lari konsep bukan saja dari pencarian bakat tapi it also is no longer even a question of popularity.

Now, it's about how much financial backing you have. Just like a business.

Oh well... at the end of the day, we all know, no matter how much money pun, takkan ko nak beli 10,000 unit album kalau da takde orang nak beli tuk lakukan kononnya product sendiri kan.

And as for Astro, aku rasa meka baik kaji balik the system. Because it's obvious money votes can influence the decision.



Kalau sebelom ni, ikutan Akademi Fantasia dari segi jumlah SMS yang diterima begitu hebat, not even the richest man in Malaysia would bother to put his son or daughter through the competition until the final sebab it would take a LOT of money.

Now however, it's obvious that the AFUNDI pool have shrunk and people have just stopped voting. Cuba kalau Astro nak buktikan aku salah, kuarkan angka angka dan peratusan undian dari musim pertama. See the number of unique voters, and why the votes tak berkembang just as much as their viewership figures.

Because kalau da ada sorang dua (dan ahli keluarga lain) pump in so much money... of course the percentage shrinks.

So is Akademi Fantasia a flop this year? Ada yang mengatakan ratings naik melambung. Ok...aku tak nafikan, jumlah penonton sudah pastinya akan bertambah. But tarik kuar semua graf subscribers Astro dari lima tahun lepas.

Dari musim pertama, sampai skang, compare the percentage growth of the subscribership base versus the amoung spent on AFUNDI. Ada tak trend menurun.

Yes...ari ni kira intelligent posting ler...konon ler. Sebab banyak perkara main kat pala aku nih.

Ada yang katakan, kalao tak suka jangan tengok.

Truth is, aku da nonton sejak musim pertama, and I have always said it is still the most popular show. Cuma... setiap tahun, lepas musim kedua, kita sedikit sebanyak nampak a slump, kejatuhan dari segi kualiti. Oh not by the money they spend....memang la kalao dulu musim pertama kedua bebudak pun tak dimanjaan kemewahan sangat, skang nampaknya sebab da smakin popular sponsor pun bertambah, untung pun lebih ler pada bebudak tu.

The quality I mean dari segi appeal and originality of the programme yang many of us have come to love. Oh well...

Tu la pasal nya, malam ni, carta peratusan ni pun...leh tell me such a story kan...
Back to my day, ari ni aku relaxed... so much so malas sebenarnya nak tengok Diarrhea kang get me in a foul mood jer. Heh...takde ler...sebenarnya ari ni kira casual Friday bagik aku so nak take advantage of it.

Tambah agik for some reason midnight semalam, aku check my Maybank account, tengok tengok bukan je ada jumlah gaji da masuk, plus savings aku yang aku happy giler nih, tapi also a four figure amount yang banked in. was actually a few Ringgit short of a thousand, tapi terkejut gak sebab tertanya mana datang duit tuh. Oh well, don't know where it came from, but I know where it's going to.

Tomorrow's Saturday and I have the whole day's SHOPPING TIME!

Before I end this entry yang meroyan pondering ala analytical ni, want to share something that's been bugging me for the last two weeks.

Siapa yang tak penah tengok show kat Dewan Sivik for the live concert wouldn't have noticed this. Tapi tengok pic kat atas tuh. Tuh meja yang digunakan pengkritik.

The funny thing is, atas setiap meja tuh, there are two buttons, one red and one blue. No, they're not service buttons, bukan tekan skali leh order air ke extra pillows ke (though I bet that was possible for the more boring performances - the pillow part I mean).

I thought they weren't working at first, tapi by the end of concert pertama, gatal gak tangan aku gi tekan ler. And yes, the buttons are actually in working order. What do they do? Well, the red button kalau ditekan, ada lampu merah kuar dari bahadian depan podium pengkritik tuh, while kalao tekan biru, kuar ler lampu biru. Something like this, masa aku main main with it time meka da mula tup lampu dewan. Rasa cam something out of Saturday Night Fever lak... (that or out of Tekaria - membuktikan aku tua da sebab ingat gameshow kat RTM tahun 80an)

Hah...tu example nya. The first one, tak tekan, takde lampu. Yang tekan biru, of course lampu biru, and merah of course the front panel turns red.

Matilah kalau tean dua sekali bukan dapat warna ungu ok. And trust me, aku tekan kedua nya skali, tetap merah sebab overpower the blue kot.

The next question is... what for? Pengkritik nak ok atau out kan contestant ke? Adakah itu gimik ke kejutan akan datang?

Adakah itu akan menandakan some manner of inteference of the critics to the results which has been determined by some rich fat cats voting their talentless offspring?

Or is it just a case of Astro recycling props jer.... let me know your theories dalam ruangan Comments. Pemenang takkan menang apa apa kecuali my respect for reading this entry until the end and bothering to comment on something silly and trivial like this (matilah carut diri sendiri)

Until tomorrow kids...I'm outta here.