Sunday, June 18, 2006

The blues can be good! Konsert ketiga Akademi Fantasia 4

Semalam blog aku kena serang.... mmm.. entah siapa kan?

Takpelah... try discouraging me some more.

Ada kejutan nanti.

Apapun... wait for more news on that. To that coward, dahler pakai nama ntah haper nak carut aku konon... apa ko merapu tu? Really.. so desperate ke nak kutuk aku? Sampai main hentam je... dahler terpaksa pakai berbagai nick?

Perlu ke?

Moving on... cause aku takkan ngalah pada bangsa binatang yang masuk rumah orang perasan nak wat hal (yes, I left your comments for the world to see just how stupid you sound trying to piss on me)...

About the concert earlier today... not in the mood to praise anything, but don't want to be super-critical as well.

To be fair, let's start with the overwhelming negative.

Semalam punya tarian Menuju Puncak was simply the worst in comparison ngan musim-musim sebelumnya.

I mean, check this out... sampai peringkat minggu ketiga, kalau dilihat pada musim Akademi Fantasia yang lain... even Mawi was able to dance by then.

Ni takyah kata Faizal kongkang.. semua pon camtuh. It looked like a Sunday stroll with a really sensitive boil kat celah punggung, the way they danced.

Kesian tul si Linda dan Corrie, pas show jumpa, tension bebetul sekor-sekor nih.
Tak bersungguh langsung nak membuat yang terbaik. Cam tak penting langsung pada mereka Menuju Puncak ni.

Mentang-mentang undian da tutup masuk Menuju Puncak, mereka ni ingat, tak ada keperluan untuk mereka do their best... so they can just such big time.

It's not so much about votes, but more of the tradition of the past seasons of Akademi Fantasia where it has always been treated with religious fervour. Tapi untuk bebudak ni, aku rasa meka tak paham langsung how important it is for them to do it nice. Oh well...

Moving on to the concert, aku straight to the shows jer la ek.

By the way, the whole cake scene was a waste of time... motif nak celebrate birthday Tasha? I mean.. it's nice and all... but buang masa je on air.Dahler masuk si Awie jadian tuh! Si Shkandar tak silap aku nama dia... mamat yang gagal ujibakat Akademi Fantasia pastu jadi pak pacak semua program Astro. Weird!

Salima - Obsesi (Juliana Banos)
With a draped vest thingie ala crochet knit tablecloth, Salima played cowgirl. I don't know about everyone else, tapi aku terus terbayang iklan OSIM Gallop tu... yang iklan korang senonoh tuh, orang dok tunggang benda ala yang urut bontot dan peha tuh.

Well, first the positive. She was better than Juliana Banos. That's a compliment if you can take it that way.

Deja was spot on her vocal weaknesses yang nampaknya tak diperbetulkan gak dari sebelum-sebelum ni, while M. Rajoli cam buang masa je ada sana. Adlin was also spot on with mentions on the wardrobe (everyone's fave topic skang) and lack of energy from Salima.

Erm... pas nyanyi... scene ala Mas, tapi bukan bak anak, tapi nak adik Salima.
Bak kata chatters kat msjbox aku, kesian tengok adik Salima rindu kakak dia. Mari kita ketemukan Salima ngan adik tersayangnya, dan jangan pisahkan mereka for even one second more... kita keluarkan je Salima ler minggu depan ek.
Rating klubbkidd :

Amirul - Yesterday (The Beatles)
Walaupun ramai tension ngan Amirul sebab sentiment, but I think he was indeed better than suited to the song. HOWEVER, there was little use of dynamics and he just sort of rushed through the song. Too simple. No improvisation. No lenggok ker haper ker... takde kreativiti langsung.

M. Rajoli still merepek, but suddenly made a good mention on stage performance. Memang si Amirul tu ketara pejam mata (ke dia bukak tapi kita ingatdia pejam?) throughout the song.

Lawak bodoh dari kengkawan... Astro nak bak The Beatles ke sebagai kejutan?
Erm... leh ker ada yang lawat dari kubur ni... lain jer!
Rating klubbkidd :

Rich - Mustika (M.Nasir)
Why lah?? Start aja da salah lirik! Rich still hasn't learned at all for me, or very little at least.

Dia masih dengan his old ways, and nampaknya sikit sangat yang di ajar tenaga pengajar yang menyerap dalam persembahan dia.

I think the same comment was used in the last two weeks, so malas nak elaborate.
M. Rajoli kenapa???!!! Lidah Melayu?? Erm..
Rating klubbkidd :

Zila- Tak Tercapai Akalmu (Elyana)
Kesian kan si Zila... mana taknya pakai t-shirt pagoda... walaupun luarannya glitters belaka. Dahler baju lampu lip lap mapal haprak tu...very the busuk.


I think she did ook overall, but like a lot of the kids, Zila pun bab lagu rancak sikit jer tak bermaya, and extremely lacklustre.

Like Adlin pointed out, she is quite forgettable... and I think she has to work on projecting her personality and character more through her performance supaya lebih berkesan persembahannya.
Rating klubbkidd :

Farhan - Still Got The Blues (Gary Moore)
Malas komen lebih. One word. FANTASTIC! And I think Malaysia agrees! Judging by the votes.... hope Farhan keeps it up as she is THE MOST consistent performer setakat ini.
Rating klubbkidd :

Haziq - Cinta Nusantara (Sheqal)
Tak ada apa yang menarik, persembahan biasa, vokal pun biasa... erm... yang luarbiasa tuh camna dia masih leh bertahan.

Seperti mana minggu lepas, sampai ada satu part, mesti terbabas!

And it was a sense of deja vu, because repeat performance.

Erm.. M. Rajoli muda ek.. sesuai!
Rating klubbkidd :

Lotter - Iris (Awie)
CD lompat ke? Hah... tu ler akibat burn CD murah!
It was a weird and rocky start for the music, and also Lotter. As the song progressed it became better, tapi aku rasa cam missing something je.

I don't know, I think Lotter can be a serious performer if he wants to, cuma mungkin somehow the whole feel hari ni spoil sebab muzik yang aku rasa memang tak kena.
Vocally I see an improvement, tapi memang first verse tu ala Titanic karam tak hengat!
Rating klubbkidd :

Velvet - Teman Tapi Mesra (Ratu)
She started out WAY too low, and like a friend commented, it may have something to do with the fact that it was the music to blame (Sham Kamikaze sila jawab)

The intro to the song was too horrible, tak sanggup aku dengar, walaupun hype memula nak enjoy the song.

Got distracted by penari backing yang pakai seluar berkilat ala beg plastik sampah itam.

It didn't help.

Velvet tried to pick things up and let loose her vocals, only this time it didn't work. Memang it salvaged a little of the show, but I thought it was definitely her worse in three weeks. Let's hope she performs lebih elok minggu akan datang ni and Malaysia keeps her in because she is one of the best vocalists in the show.

Just hope dia takkan terlalu confident lagi lain kali kalao pada awal konsert dia at the top, because I think overconfidence was a huge contributor to the bad show.
Rating klubbkidd :

Diddy - Memori Luka (Headwind)
The strength of the song, kekuatan melodi and all, saved Diddy this time. Tapi to be fair, Diddy banyak improve. Aku rasa antara semua pelajar, dia lah yang paling mendadak perkembangan dalam tiga minggu.

Better vocal control, takder Hunchback of Notre Dame lagik... and he looks less intense, walaupun kekadang masaalah penghayatan tu tetap ada. And oh, tak lupa last part pon ada ler erm.. Karam Singh Walia sikit (teringat pergerakan tangan Haziq bila sebut Karam nih)

Promising show from Diddy, dan harapnya minggu ni dia akan memberikan one more great performance so the audience will keep him in longer.
One of the better male students in this concert.
Rating klubbkidd :

Faizal - Blues Terengganu Kita (Iklim)
Aku really think Faizal wasn't all that impressive.

Like Velvet, aku rasa Faizal sudah terlalu yakin dan selesa dengan kedudukannya yang sering diatas bersama Lotter.

Antara semua, aku rasa Faizal has the most natural showmanship and impressive vocals (kalau banding yang lain), but it's nothing really to shout for kalao dia stop working at this stage and tak progress as a singer, performer and entertainer.

Memang jauh perjalanan Faizal ni, tapi jangan awal-awal terlalu bersahaja hanya kerana fan power.
Dari awal kata suara dia cam Saleem, and I think it was nice to see him duet with Saleem. As for Adlin punya komen? Malas nakl komen on that... hak memasing.
I belive Adlin had good intentions to say that.. but hey... who am I to say.
Rating klubbkidd :

Kalau sebelum ni aku selalu bagi keputusan undian sebelum dan selepas konsert, kali ni aku akan memberikan hanya the vote count at the end of the concert.
Simply because aku rasa the keputusan undian pada awal konsert dah tak penting, sebab tidak memberikan sebarang indication of what will happen unlike previous seasons.
But cukup ler nak kata Velvet dok paling atas dan Farhan paling bawah.
And the final results? This is it. Farhan amazing.. and rewarded! Salima da mula nampak her real spot deserved for her performance... cuma Haziq jer tak puas ati sikit. Tapi you win some you lose some la kan...Esok... seperti biasa... pada mereka yang regular...tau apa akan datang kan. Dan juga hasil kata putus dari streamyx and more on the case of the abusive comment/tagger yang menyerang blog aku.
By the way, aku takkan delet comment-comment itu kerana those comments are proof of how pathetic some people's mentality is at. Have a good day guys...
PS. Update pics esok ler ek...

Keputusan undian pada penghujung Konsert Akademi Fantasia minggu ketiga
1. Farhan - 19%
2. Faizal - 11%
3. Haziq - 10%
4. Lotter - 10%
5. Velvet - 9%
6. Amirul - 9%
7. Zila - 9%
8. Diddy - 8%
9. Salima - 8%
10. Rich - 7%

Review pilihan kali ni :
(akan diupdatekan kalau terjumpa review yang power cili padi - sila recommend yang bukan press release punya style untuk di tambahkan - entah berapa orang dah update nih... pepandai korang test power ek)
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