Monday, January 25, 2010


Phew! Back home, had dinner, rested and now nak tidur dah. Seriously tired.

Mana taknya. Slept like five hours in over two days. Thanks to the erm... room I had in Merdeka Palace. Gorgeous. Tapi dok sorang dalam bilik besar gedabak... dan ada 'tamu' lain nih.. memang wajib kena kaco. Tension sikit... tapi takde benda. Just takleh tido.

Nak tido je... mesti ada gangguan.

But still, it's been great in Kuching. Thanks to all my lovely friends who read my blog in Kuching, and generally in Sarawak. met so many of you tak ingat semua nama. But you guys mke me feel so appreciated. Seriously...

And then yang pentingnya dalam nak wat Project Alpha punya rakaman, the team from Kyanite has been great. Walaopon kekadang tension aku nak wat dua keja skali, tapi ok la... seronok. It was a fun experience.

Aku tak banyak amik pics masa kat Kuching. But ni a few I want to share of memories over three days there.

Yang ni masa kat airport tadik nak balik. Aku masuk one counter, and si Aishah masuk another. Yang pentingnya Aishah cam lama gila kena tahan kat counter dia. Aku ingat apa la mamat th dok main kat PC dia.

So I moved in for a closer look.. and this is what I saw.

Amik ko! Patutla dia irritable semacam je. Tengok screen PC dia bebetol. Rupanya dok sibuk main solitaire mamat Immigration nih. Kelas government service. Sempat tuh berhibur.. ok la tuh.

And then there were several shops in Kuching which caught my eye.

There was one tak sempat amik. Nama kedai dia, Go Fun Kee Klang Bah Kut Teh. Bangga aku kampung aku punya nama merata sebab bah kut teh. Kira memang Klang bah kut teh ni memang famous gila. Bab tuh aku tak heran... tapi nama konsep go funky tuh yang aku suka sangat.

Oh and to my Sarawakian friends who wished they had Ikea in Kuching, takpe... ni ada the next best thing. E-kea!

Or how about this Kuching equivalent of Fitness First. Not quite the same as our Klang Valley one kan (or for that matter, anywhere).

Yang pentingnya, walaopon sibuk beberapa hari kat Kuching, sempat nih.. beli my obsession - kek lapis!

If that wasn't enough, drop by Satok last call sebelom nak check out. Aishah wanted to get ikan terubuk masin. Aku tak minat sangat sebab don't like fishies with too many bones.
Orang tua aku pon tak minat sangat so tak beli.

Tuh dia... orang tua aku pesan beli nih... telur ikan terubuk. Not knowing much about food, aku pelik gak. Rupa ikan terubuk camni ke? Aiyo... baru nak tau. Ok la.. beli 250 gram baru RM50. Mahal.. tapi quite cheap considering lebih mahal sini and not erm.. fresh.

The food mystery continued when I saw this. Rupanya jellyfish. Er.. they don't look too appetizing to me. But I guess it's that kind of thing yang depend on taste.

Me? Gimme meat - real meat anyday. Matilah carnivorous!

Tomorrow back to work. For now, I seriously need to catch up on sleep - and last week's episodes of American Idol and Project Runway.

The whole week packed. Rabu paling teruk (esok dapat phone baru.. nanti aku blog kan). But Wednesday ada interview and photography with Dayang Nurfaizah and Marcell, and then petang ada interview ngan Nidji (love those boys... meka memang happy go lucky) before their showcase with Aizat and 6ixth Sense belah malam.

Ok... night guys.

PS - Thanks Noni for this pic of us camwhoring masa kat Merdeka Palace. Hope we get to meet again. And to sesapa kengkawan yang sempat camwhore ngan aku - jangan lupa passing pics ek! Love you guys and gals.


Had fun chatting with you (esp when it's about the reality of our music industry nowadays..
and camwhoring was fun too..ahaha...

** frankly speaking, that 'song' n the 'voice' kept repeating inside my head...he could go far if he had his chance in the industry..

hope we can meet again someday...('roket'ing through some 'forest', maybe? ehehe)

hye joe..last sunday saw u at mp's lobby..msa tu i anta adik i audition..plan to jump out from the car n have a lil chat wif u..camwhore2 plak..well,hope to see u again,in kuching next time..;))

look at the immigration worker.he sit right in front of the paper that said 'counter etiquette'.im sure playing solitaire is not one of the funny la..kantoi

noni : hopefully that song will go somewhere along with that singer yeah. see you too. hugs.
shella : aww... should have said hi.
Anon : major FAIL eh.. ahahaha's been my routine reading ur blog n get as many new english vocabs as possible..tq so much..

Hey Joe,

Really nice meeting you in person, and I kept my promise babe, I had bookmarked your blog,.... heheheh
jangan marah ha....!!

Just check your inbox for our photos, aite... ciao babe..

best sgt la time bgambar kat MP tu, byk pixs ko buat aksi lucu..ko nak aku sumbat lam fb ke tak?..haha

alala... lupak la nak blanja mkn mee kolok. ko jangan lah terperuk dlm room tu je ... masa tngiang ngiang (cheeewahh..)suara mamat itu..yakin next single dia meletup..) thanks coz sudi layan sy dan Noni.

syazli tima kasih la... terharu aku.

akoo. ahahahahaha... sabar je la.
ceca. aku da tengok pic. ahahaha...and no prob. was fun talking to you guys.