Sapa yang tengah makan, please do not read this, as I am going to be extremely graphicly GROSS.
If you're reading this, then either you have a high tolerance level and an amazing gag reflex, atau ko memang nak cari nahas! Heh!
Had two open houses, and the Cuci thing going on at Subang Parade, as well as a choreography meeting.
Tapi sejak balik dari Pelita kol 3 pagi smalam, memang tak sedap badan.
Hasilnya... diarrhea. Yang teramat teruk ye. Dalam eight hours or so, I went to the toilet no less than a dozen times. Camna nak tidur? Serious ngantuk satu hal...
Both my internal and external anal sphincter are bruised and battered after a day long battle. And cirit bukan sebarangan cirit ok. Yang jenis keluar nothing but air. Eewwww!!! (kan aku da warning I'm going to be gross)
So ladies, yes, the whole issue with toilet seats and men, I wholly understand, cause I've been literally peeing through my ass the whole freaking day.
Dapat gak rasa 'kencing' duduk.
Aduh., ke sana lak aku. Sebenarnya stress sebab semakin sibuk. Can't afford to get messed up for the next couple of weeks. Lain la kalao aku ada dependable people to fall back on. Kalao semua kena oversee.. aduh.
So anyway sebab tak larat badan aku, tengahari tadik tak jadi gi open house Kichi, as well as event Cuci.
Zoomed to Bukit Kiara for the choreographers meeting, and was glad things worked out despite a few kinks with timing issues I had to face. That's really starting to irritate me... oh well.
After da abih lari ke rumah terbuka sultanmuzaffar. Thanks for the invite nonok. Mentang-mentang kita tak influential ke popular kan... matilah! Janji Bali dan Shibuya. Hado?!
Merasalah membebel meroyan. Amponkan. Orang tengah sakit.
Hopefully esok back to normal da. Start off early morning with a meeting lagi. Aduh.. merasalah minggu ni endless meetings and paperwork.
Kena pasang lagu Donna Summer - She Works Hard For Her Money. Damn... oh well. Things will only get better and bigger. Lagi banyak tanggungjawab camni la. Kang kalao dok je harapkan orang spedo lain lak.
Argh... ok... off to bed. Nanti je aku update lebih.
PS - Have you joined the flash mob Twitter? For those yang somehow missed it, the BIGGEST flash mob and EVENT OF THE YEAR at the CONCERT OF THE YEAR is happening in weeks. Make sure you know what's going on, and join us. Auditions for agents are beginning. Again, join our Twitter to find out more by CLICKING HERE. Rugi kalao korang tak join... the rest of Malaysia will only know about it after 15th October. So join now and find out how to be part of J Squared's major event for the NAUGHTY GIRL!
Sunday, October 04, 2009
11:18 PM
Joe, hope u get well soon
thanks babe. nak tanak kena gak. banyak keja. :-)
Hey Joe..
Rest laa.. Minum air banyak2..Cherry Berry ni memang banyak keluar air.. so get well soon..
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