Friday, September 04, 2009


Hari ni memang hari yang indah!

Matilah statement happy tak menentu.

Actually happy for a few reasons. Work is going ok, I'm a little relaxed (tapi masih tengah perah otak nak conceptualise two more events, selain some other projects yang need that extra boost of creative juice).

Tadik, gi buka puasa kak Nita. Sekali launching single dan music video lagu Raya dia, Maafkan. It's pretty good. Leh layan la gak. Especially since it's been a long time since kak Nita da tak wat lagu ballad camnih, Throwback to the old Anita Sarawak pre-Seksis/Ular etc.

The song is written by Helen Yap, with lyrics by Johan Nawawi and Haslan something or other. I forget...

From left : Abang Mahathir, kak Nita, Nora, Helen and Johan. Ada pics lain nak letak, tapi image hosting tengah gila!

Abang Johan bak kak Nora sekali. Lama tak meet her da. I think the last time we met was sometime semifinal Muzik Muzik, which was late last year. My memory fails me to recollect a specific time.

Kengkawan ramai pon hadir, so kinda fun. Actually ada satu lagi majlis buka puasa, bersama Leya, yang nak show her babies. Aduh... susah time camnih, torn between work dan kengkawan.

So sorry Leya, and family. Couldn't make it on time.

Wasn't all bad though, sebab dengan kehadiran ramai kengkawan, it reminded me why I love my job.

Things may get stressful, but when you're out to work - you actually can have fun... unlike other jobs.

But satu lagi benda yang wat assignment ni, erm... menarik, adalah tarikan pada seseorang yang ada time tu. Ya ampun.. kenapa muka dia mirip seseorang yang pernah aku gilakan tahap gaban! Heh... dari Makati rupanya. Filipino!!! Filipino!!! Bebot Bebot!!!

When it was all over, headed back early. Started packing. Ada short trip besok. Will be back on Sunday. Tapi janji memang seronok, walaopon nama je tuk keja.

Esok, will travel about 5 hours or so, from Kuala Lumpur - masuk hutan belantara untuk shooting filem baru. Memang aku tak penah gi tempat ni, but have heard so much about it.

Korang tunggu je la aku post update, though I doubt ada Internet connection (memandangkan aku da tak pakai mobile broadband da). Won't stop me from trying though.

Cantik tak destinasi aku?

Apapon, nanti je la aku story korang more info ok. Sapa dapat teka aku gi mana... MEMANG HEBAT! Heh! Ingat haper? Nak bagi hadiah? Hado!

By the way... see anything wrong with this pic? Snapped this at my office nya parking.

Yes? No? Can't spot anything wrong. Tengok bebetul. And I mean like really closely! Ok ok.. sebelom korang nak salahkan pic aku tak clear, ni ad close up shot sikit. Kalao ko tak spot apa tak kena, erm... then nevermind.

Matilah! I don't even know camna nak sebut tuh. Ok la.. apa pon, doakan perjalanan aku selamat besok. Will keep you guys updated. Kalao nak more up to date, again - add me on Twitter, guys! CLICK HERE to add me to Twitter (make sure you've already registered lah)

Besides, info aku nak ke mana semua ada. Heh!

Ok.. till later, guys and gals. Out.

PS - Isn't it great our Home minister is asking for action against those cow head protesters? Wonder why it's taking so long though...


wah! canteknyer gambo hutan tu.. nak gi hutan belum ke?

have a nice trip bro!amik gambar cantik2 ea.heheh

aper lagik..Hutan Royal Belum kt Gerik Perak....

ehehehe.. at least nampak korang baca topik