Saturday, April 05, 2008

Madu dan racun

I guess that's how you could put it. Problem is, which is which. Nevermind if you don't understand what I'm getting at.

Tadi nak ke konsert minggu ketiga pening nak carik tempat parking. Rupanya dewan sebelah dalam Dewan Sivik gak ni ada wedding reception. Erm.. just who gets married next to the biggest weekly concert in the country?

Seriously. Tapi wat sakit hati er pack gila susah nak cari tempat letak keta. Seb baik expert sikit kawasan sini, pusing jap je dapat parking elok.

Found out the reason as I was entering the Dewan. Rupanya ramai gak merungut pasal takde parking. Erm.. not much of a happy day when people are cursing at you for being the cause they late for a show. Kesian dua mempelai.

Heh.... tapi yang kelakar, sparuh pakai rock nak ke konsert, the other half of the dewan orang pakai siap nak ke kenduri. Merasalah confusion!

Ke kanan....

Ke kiri...

The songs of the performances are updated kat sebelah da. Review shortly. Apapon, dalam orang tunggu tuk baca review aku, ko layan cita menarik pasal TOPIK INI pula. Matilah high sex drive katanya! Sufiah... Sufiah.... apa nak jadik ni... lain lak nama Malaysia famous suddenly. Ish ish ish.... aku dedicate this part to kak Yaya Shilpa Lee.