Saturday, June 26, 2010

Spam can kill you!

Good God!

I hate spammers.

Baru deleted a whole bunch of Blackberry spam messages from orang yang feeling CNN nak war-warkan berita walaopon tidak mencari kesahihan berita tersebut.

Slalu camni. Dulu masa arwah Yasmin ICU, sama gak ada yang 'mematikan' awal-awal. Like what the fuck? Arwah Din Beramboi? Sama kes gak. And the countless people who have 'died' by spam?

Petang tadi was the same thing.

I got this message going around. Again.. and again... and again... and again... (the Energizer bunny pon nangis ok ow it goes on and on)

"Innalillahi wa innalillahi rodjiun, telah berpulang kepada tuhan yang mahakuasa, NAZRIEL IRHAM (ARIEL PETERPAN) yang menagalami overdosis zat psikotropika di dalam kamar tahanan pada jam 13:08 hari ini. marilah kita doakan agar arwahnya diterima di sisi tuhan yang maha kuasa. Amien."

This is of course bullshit.

Like the claims made by Ariel that it wasn't him in the video?

No comment. But please, people. I know you want to do your part and help spread the news - which is the beautiful thing about technology.

But don't abuse it. Before you resend something, check the validity of it. And I swear anyone who sends me a "if you break this chain you will die in three days" kind of message IMMEDIATELY gets deleted on my BBM, Twitter and so on.

Kimak tol. Takde keja lain kah?

Apart from that - have a good day.

PS - Thanks Adila for inviting gi tengok Kita semalam. Suka performance Adila and Hafiz who stood out. Apart from uncle yang mainkan watak bapak Cheong tuh - vocal meletop! Tapi yang pelik nya being a propaganda vehicle for the 1 Malaysia campaign - kenapa pementasan tak dimulakan dengan nyanyian Negaraku? Merasalah!


benda pasal mati pun nak bawa main ka?
aduyaii..kena kat batang hidung sendiri baru tau..