Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Adoi! Stress!!!! Pecah pala lak hari ni. Supposed to meet up Faz in the studio but fell asleep pas lunch lak, konon nap, yang terus menjadi proses hibernasi gituh!

Ni semua akibat nak wat skrip nih. Da la first time... pastu dalam bahasa Melayu lak. Heh... no, I don't sound stupid if I write in Malay (matilah... love you Nani!) tapi just not used to it kan, sebab TAK PERNAH write an article or script before in anything but English, so pening la sikit sebab nak jaga tatabahasa and all.

Thank you Amir for the opportunity... and the headache (matilah ko!)

Anyway, shut down all lines of communication (ignored and didn't bother to check who called) to focus sebab I hate when I start writing and stop for anything, because that simply means I lose my flow. Plus, it's not easy to get the mood to write anything, and if you lose your mojo, that's it! Procrastination sets in.

Only later at night, I join Faz kat our second hangout pas Pelita, which is Coffee Hut, or Rasta kat the Penchala area. She's already there when I arrive, and so is Faizal along with several of his friends.

Realised we both wearing statement t shirts. You know, those joke, or declaration tees. Not very classy sometimes, but better than wearing the logo of the company who made it kan?


His (sila abaikan perut aku tuh - lupa tahan nafas lak time amik pic)

For the record, my t shirt IS a very old one which I've had for years, so it's not even a real joke anymore.

Chatted for some time. And despite asik nak balik, finally gerak pun entah da kul berapa. Something interesting did happen, but not going to mention it here.

Apapun, me maybe in Johor for the weekend. Faz is going for a promo thingie for Selamat Pagi Cinta kat sana, and me there for a mini holiday cum accompany a friend cum trip to see some friends. It's going to be fun heading down south! Leh? Ada rezeki maybe day trip ke Singapore saja saja..

Should be fun... really can't say anything more. Tapi seriously I think it'll be fun to get away, even if it's for a day or two. Terus semangat nak abihkan skrip ni... aduh...

PS - Esok sibuk lak. Aduh... nak kejar Ashraf Sinclair dan Bunga Citra Lestri balik petang besok, plus Faz has an event, and perhaps a little jalan-jalan kalao ada masa. Me seriously in need to get away

PS Pt II - Good luck Sarol on your final paper besok. And then it's merdeka!!!! Merdeka!!! Merdeka!!!


joe, britney has the same statement T like yours...hehehe

muhehehhehehe .... Virgin kew?????
ngeh ngeh ngeh .... aku nak gaks baju camni ... hihihihihihi ... pakai cincin purity tu org x nampak sangat ... if haku pakai baju ni ... darik jauh org leh nampak ...


Salam keikhlasan
-kambeng panggang-

kim slm kat fazura..
suka sangat2 kat dia..