Sunday, January 20, 2008

Deja Vu!

Roller coaster tol my health. Ting tong aku. I think in the last 24 jam, da tiga papan Panadol dan Milidon aku telan, along with a bottle or two of Breacol. My cold has subsided, but kejap ada kejap takde gituh. Damn.

Packed up a little drowsily this morning. Bukan sebab ubat batuk. Tapi sebab tak cukup tidur.

Had fun semalam, bumping into people I knew, and some whom I just got to know masa clubbing. By the time got back in the hotel was about almost 5am.

Tak ngantuk... automatically bangun kol 9 pagik, tapi cam tak larat, half asleep even though didn't really feel so. Argh!

Fever coming on!

Had breakfast, and then ke airport. On the way, realised my phone got left at the hotel sebab call Juan masa breakfast mintak dia turun dari bilik, bak buku aku, which I left behind. Being sick makes me so forgetful.

Buzzed the hotel, and got them to send it to the airport. Seb baik....

Masa checked in, nampak akak sorang nih rambut vogue sangat. Tak penah nampak female ground crew yang rambut vogue camni.

Ni influence GI Jane ke Muallaf? Chemo ke adik adik dragon? Apapon, very the fashion statement!

Masa nak masuk, ada sense of deja vu ngan akak ganas nih yang ala bossy dan berangan. Oh well.. perasaan je kot.

And then it was on the plane, for a two and a half hour journey back to Kuala Lumpur. On the plane, semakin teruk fever aku. Sampai KLIA it peaked. Got back in one piece, and felt better almost immediately. Ni my last shot in Sabah of the runway gituh.

Slept since 5pm and just woke up... am going to sleep again. Feel better, but I thinka a little more sleep would make me feel better, Be blogging more tomorrow.