Saturday, February 10, 2007

Mo-dem you know...

Yes, today I am finally getting connected broadband at home. Sebenarnya I had connection at home since Wednesday, tapi sebab takde masa, I didn't go and get my ADSL modem.

Ni ler hasilnya tanak amik streamyx package punya modem yang keji teramat tuh,

So today picked up some new toys. Now only did I get my ADSL modem, I picked up a wireless router. Merasalah tengah berak pun leh online (eeewwww....!!!)

Also picked up a Microsoft webcam (have plans for that, but no it doesn't involve anything of adult nature) as well as some playthings like a USB vaccum for my laptop.

Pening sebab sesak kat Low Yat Plaza.

Had a friend belanja belanja makan (thanks noks for the meal...that was sweet of you to pick up the time it's on me - we all earn enough!) Dia dan sorang agik member temankan.

After we were done, Imah melarikan diri nak kejau free gift kat eventnya.

I rushed home before meeting up with Juan later for a drink. Sebenarnya balik nak pasang segalanya, tapi sebab terlampau pandai ingat leh configure modem aku tuh sendiri...amik ko.


So popped back out again. Looks like I have to pop back into Low Yat again esok.

Apapun, just wanted to finish my entry pasal semalam.

Hung out until 6am kat lokasi shooting babak terakhir Malaikat Maut. I'll just tell my little story of what went on in pictures that are damn blurry, ok.

Ni lah sekitar lokasi penggambaran babak terakhir Malaikat Maut.
Sherry, Nana dan Que (tak muat lak Awal dalam pic) join the rest dalam doa sebelum aksi ni. Nampak lak crew tengah sibuk preparation terakhir atas keta.
Ni la posisi asal keta pas shot pertama keta diterbalikkan ngan bantuan crane dengan keempat pelakon kat dalam. Pas da scene golek sikit, meka bounce the car further down and reshot another take.
Tiap kali satu scene, kena check equipment to make sure the safety of the cast dan equipment. Tengok mounting camera.
Sekali da angkat ngan crane...abang Bade supervise sendiri ok. Pas da siap, dia take his seat kat director's chair nak see how it looks on camera lak. la crane gedabak meka pakai. Aiyo...dahler touch up make tu awal. Ni gothic ke...iklan tepong komak. Cantik blusher si Que.
This is midway. Ingat tak curam ek. Ni long shot sikit of the location. Curam ok...dari angle aku amik gambar tak nampak...but it must have been a 30-40 foot drop.
Lagik satu angle nak tunujuk how steep the place is. Ni nampak sikit. Kul 5 pagik, cast da tak larat da...touch up sekali lagik sebelum di basahkan thanks to the lovely and ever so friendly abang abang bomba.
Ni shot terakhir kul 6 pagi. Keta da sampai masuk ke longkang ala sungai tu. Halfway immersed in the water, the cast members kena masuk sekali ok. Yerlah...nak lakon da kena accident...mersalah mandi air longkang kul; 6 pagik...masih ingat ni keja glamer? Bouncing upside down in a car yang thrown over the steep side of the embankment and then end up six hours later dalam longkang.

Gambar aku keji sikit quality for obvious reasons. That I used my beat up mobile phone (sabar...ada replacement nak mai) But kalau korang nak tengok pic yang lebih jelas (termasuk sorang cast member yang honorary - tima kasih Que sebab lobi aku), KLIK SINI untuk tengok pics yang lebih jelas dan high res gituh.

Ok...gotta call it a night!

Thanks so much to Anita for inviting me... Tayang Unggul rocks!!!

And Gaya, luv...mintak mintak ni jangan ler give up making the movies you guys make. Kalau nak commercial je pun no fun.

Night all...